Example sentences of "if the [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the Davy Lamp is taken into air that contains more than 5 per cent of firedamp , or if the air passing the lamp is suddenly contaminated to that extent , the air inside the lamp explodes and puts out the light but the mesh prevents the explosion being transmitted to the air outside the lamp Thus although the miner is put in the dark he is alive to tell the tale .
2 Control panels bristled with up to thirty-five switches and buttons as if the housewife-technologist required the skills of an airline pilot .
3 If the candidate gives the one acceptable answer put 100 per cent .
4 prepare in advance a set of questions to investigate very thoroughly if the candidate has the expertise and personality necessary for the job ;
5 If the candidate makes the grade in the Hawk , where he learns to handle fast jets and basic skills in bombing and dogfighting , he is posted to a Tactical Weapons Unit where these skills are honed .
6 of contract , although evidence may be difficult to find if the expert issues a non-speaking decision .
7 This is especially easy if the passage contains no uncommon words and is composed of sentences with predictable structure , for automatic performance depends upon a simple informational input .
8 If the judge thought the evidence already given sufficient to raise a prima facie case , he could refuse to allow the prosecution to discontinue even if their case was incomplete .
9 Approval can only be refused if the judge believes the rules are incompatible with a statutory objective and a general principle spelled out in the bill .
10 If the judge has a pecuniary interest in the outcome of a case then he is absolutely barred from hearing it .
11 If the judge makes a mistake by imposing too severe a sentence , then the accused can , and often does , appeal to a higher court .
12 If the judge orders a trial in two parts there is an irremediable danger of two appeals to the Court of Appeal and justice requires that an appeal to the Privy Council should not be denied on the first part but perforce accepted on the second part .
13 If the monarch says the day is night ,
14 If the gull has the nerve to dive at them , an auntie may even grab it by the feet and pull it down into the water .
15 The dealer , as agent for the software company , is a more likely interpretation if the acquirer specifies the system he wants .
16 Presumably a substantial profit could be made if the church bought the land and subsequently sold it .
17 If the change causes a change in the pattern of borrowing and lending , the interconnected nature of financial flows may involve the monetary sector and then changes in the money supply will occur .
18 The relevant statute empowered the minister to set up such a committee but in this case he refused to do so on the ground that the complaint was unsuitable for investigation because it raised wide issues ; that if the committee upheld the complaint he would be expected to make an order to give effect to the committee 's recommendations ; and that the complaint should be dealt with by the Board rather than by the committee of investigation .
19 There were , none the less , one or two groups in post-war Britain that merit the name of coterie , if the word implies a repeated or regular gathering of like-minded writers in the same room .
20 If the retailer sells the pickle at 70p per jar , how much is the mark up per jar ?
21 If the retailer sells the sugar at 52p per bag , what is the total mark up on the bags ?
22 If the retailer requires a product with which he is unfamiliar , he may begin by sending a letter of enquiry to the manufacturer .
23 So , if the retailer moves the tea or coffee every few weeks and replaces it with another product ( perhaps one that does n't sell as well ) he can bring it to the customer 's attention .
24 Even where the lessor does have notice of the partnership , a failure to change the lessees may result in an apparent holding out of the outgoing partner as a continuing member of the firm , if the lessor has no other means of knowing of the change .
25 Where an exclusion clause controlled by the UCTA is specific to a particular liability the effect of the UCTA is either to render the clause unenforceable ( if the UCTA imposes a total ban ) , or ( if the UCTA imposes the requirement of reasonableness ) to render the clause unenforceable if it fails to satisfy that requirement .
26 Where an exclusion clause controlled by the UCTA is specific to a particular liability the effect of the UCTA is either to render the clause unenforceable ( if the UCTA imposes a total ban ) , or ( if the UCTA imposes the requirement of reasonableness ) to render the clause unenforceable if it fails to satisfy that requirement .
27 Many an enthusiast committed to achieving high standards has found that all of the painstaking preparation can be ruined if the aquarium becomes a miniature battlefield once the livestock is introduced .
28 If the aquarium has a separate box or trickle filter , the heaterstat can be usefully fitted therein .
29 He added that if the referendum rejected the programme the government would have to resign .
30 Taking what one commentator called " the biggest gamble ever taken by any prime minister or president " , de Klerk promised his own resignation and that of his government if the referendum showed a " no " majority .
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