Example sentences of "if we [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To each of these may be added another if we count the faunal extinctions brought about by man in the last million years or so .
2 If we go the right way about it , we could set ourselves up nice with a good little earner still in Rafferty 's . ’
3 If we go the second week in September , then that way we can
4 I 'm more concerned about erm future possibilities , not least the possibility that the , if we fight the next European election under first past the post system then of course there will need to be a further set of boundary changes in the very near future arising from the parliamentary boundary commission proposals and I hope that again that the minister will take the change in in his remarks a little later , to assure the house that this was , because of the time constraints and there are reasons for that that I 'll come to , but because of the time constraints that this was in fact just a one off proposal because its sad that party political considerations that the minister has eluded to , the difficulties that Conservative party had over the Maastricht bill , caused our boundary procedures to be tampered with at all in the U K. At the same time as we 're seeing er a welcome expansion of democratic forms in the rest of the world in erm Eastern and central er Europe , in South Africa for instance we see the erosion of these forms in the United Kingdom .
5 If they have n't remained constant over our sampling period , right , then there 's no point in making our sample predictions , alright , we 've got to have at least the confidence that our model is re relatively stable over our small sample , right , in order to make any sort of predictions about the behaviour of the dependent variable that we are looking at and the parameter of interest out of sample more often than not when we have parameter instability that does n't always signal a change in government policy , it often signals the fact that you 've got a very poor model , a model er is mis-specified and so if we detect a structural change in our model , we first of all try and explain why it may come about
6 If we apply a constant voltage then , after the elapse of a short time , charge neutrality is re-established in the interior of the conductor but there will be some uncompensated charges in the immediate vicinity of the surfaces .
7 This means that if we apply the 8 per cent growth rate to the book market and the 20 per cent growth rate to the electronic market , the gap between the two begins to narrow rapidly by the middle 1990s .
8 Answer guide : The facts suggest that if we apply the same argument as we outlined for vehicles then reducing balance would be the choice .
9 That is , if we let the whole error term in the output equation be t then .
10 If we conduct an interventive experiment , and inject a drug which results in an animal not performing some task on which it has been trained ‘ correctly ’ ( I wo n't bother putting that word into inverted commas henceforward ; I have already spelled out that what we read as correct in an animal 's behaviour is interpreted by our criteria , not necessarily by its own ) , how can we be sure that what has been blocked or disturbed is the memory rather than the motor or sensory activity on which its expression depends ?
11 A crucial difference , of course , between the " real " model of reality and the " mock reality " of fiction is that the mock reality does not exist apart from the message by which it is conveyed : this is the case , at least , if we regard a fictional work in its entirety as constituting a single message .
12 If we average the four standard bond dissociation enthalpies for the methane molecule , we obtain a value of +412 kJ mol-1 .
13 The appeal of this lies , I suggest , in the fact that if we imagine a beautiful object , we can not help thinking it good that there should be such a thing .
14 If we imagine the Great Mother as a huge , strong tree , then the childless women are like the very tips of the branches ; they create the tracery of twigs , its outline , while the mothers form the wood that is still growing , their daughters pushing out beyond them into the space around .
15 Thus , since unc If we express a quadratic form unc in terms of another set of variables y given by the linear substitution x = By , then unc where unc and we observe that C , like A , is symmetric .
16 Is it not extraordinary that the Leader of the Opposition is incapable of understanding that we might frequently find that monetary and interest rate policies were wholly inappropriate to the requirements of this country if we join a single European currency ?
17 Here is a Venn diagram of the two sets unc If we join the two sets together to make one big set , this would become set A union B.
18 We 'll probably have to go to that if we join the Common Market .
19 " If we hand the Russian prisoners back to their death , it will be the military authorities who do so , on my instructions , and I am entitled to have behind me , in this very unpleasant business , the considered view of the government . "
20 Grigg therefore insisted , in his letter to Eden on 24 August 1944 , that the final policy on the matter should be the result of a formal " Cabinet ruling " : " If we hand the Russian prisoners back to their death , it wilt be the military authorities who do so , on my instructions , and I am entitled to have behind me , in this very unpleasant business , the considered view of the Government . "
21 We are naive , President Gorbachev said , if we repress the religious dimension of mankind .
22 ‘ Then we will take the boy 's speech and writing which is so good and subject it to careful analysis and if we teach the other boys whose writing and speech is not so good how to subject what they say and write to this kind of analysis they will realise how badly they speak and write and will promptly set about trying to improve the way they speak and write … . ’
23 Those were the choices , and if we dissect the Labour budget I think you 'll see that we were quite proper in deciding that for all its faults , and I mean this is not a budget that any of us in that chamber , you see , certainly no Liberal Democrat , wanted to even put forward at all .
24 If we analyse the street-comer activity of doing nothing in groups in the light of always hoping that something will happen , then the creation and the putting into effect of ‘ ideas ’ by the group can be seen as one of the most significant group experiences .
25 If we seek a constitutive relation which is to be characteristic of a material but not dependent on its dimensions then the use of stress and displacement follows , for otherwise the behaviour of two differently sized samples of the same material would be seen to be different .
26 If we issue an AutoCheque Card , every cheque you make out is guaranteed up to a maximum of £50 .
27 Writing canonic music is easier if we follow a golden rule : never go far with a leading voice without adding the consequent .
28 This is evident if we follow the chequered fortunes of Scottish and Welsh nationalist parties , or of such xenophobic bodies as the French National Front .
29 Quite generally , if we reach an optimal tableau , with a unique optimal solution , in which the goal is not achieved , the for that tableau solves the PGP and there is no need to consider lower priority objectives .
30 Not so much because I do n't understand the subject ( that is no real obstacle to a lecturer ) , but more because of the time we are likely to consume , even if we keep a respectable distance from quantum mechanics and concentrate solely on phenomenological theories .
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