Example sentences of "if she had [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 If she had wanted a husband , she could not have found a good reason for refusing to marry him .
2 She would hardly have dragged her into this boutique if she had wanted a simple discussion on the weather or the price of vegetables .
3 ‘ What 's wrong , Dana ? ’ she asked , feeling as if she had run a mile instead of just a few feet .
4 It would have been better if she had kept a low profile . ’
5 Claudia jumped up and put her hand on his , snatching it away as her nerves reacted as if she had touched a live wire .
6 Just a frail little thing , was n't she , the wind could have picked her up and tossed her away , yet she had demolished him as surely as if she had wielded a pick-axe handle to his belly .
7 The accused maintained that he had gone to her home to ask if she had received a letter of apology from him for his earlier crime .
8 Iris glowed as if she had received a personal compliment .
9 I asked if she had made a separate tension swatch for the stocking stitch , to which she replied yes and that although she used stitch size 7 for the Fair Isle and 5.2 for the stocking stitch , it had matched exactly ( ? ) .
10 Pushing Charlotte home in the dusk , she felt rather exhilarated , as if she had made a discovery .
11 They 'd have a record if she had made a Will .
12 Again Clare wondered if she had gone a bit too far , speaking so negatively about Gran 's novels , and being so emphatically against the trust .
13 She looked as if she had heard a lot more , but was too tactful to say so .
14 She relaxed , as satisfied as if she had chaired a difficult meeting through to its triumphant conclusion or been acclaimed at Board level for the fresh approach of her latest report .
15 The effects of Esther 's stroke were not obvious at first , which made the doctors wonder if she had suffered a second stroke when they found later that she had a very severe left hemiplegia .
16 Maybe , she thought bitterly , if she had asked a few questions she might have uncovered the truth about him for herself , instead of having the information relayed to her by one of her friends .
17 Nothing had been said between the two friends , and Ella often wondered if she had imagined a situation which did not , in fact , exist .
18 Esther Dyson had consistently denied being pregnant , but two days prior to the discovery of the child , she had appeared very big in the family way , then the next morning , Mrs. Greaves noticed that Esther Dyson was pale , languid , weak and thinner , as if she had delivered a child .
19 But if she had expected a reaction of guilty surprise she was disappointed .
20 It was a distinct , physical feeling of sick panic , as if she had taken a step — and there was nothing there .
21 If she had taken a tougher line with them at once , they would have known where to stop .
22 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
23 Her hope of happiness was gone , all gone , and if she had to bear a little of the blame for not having told him immediately who she was , then surely that was not a thing to hang her with .
24 The irony of her life is that if she had enjoyed a happy marriage these qualities may have remained dormant .
25 Then , as if she had found a flaw in his argument , she pinged her own bell and announced : ‘ But you love Cork .
26 If she had found a man , life would have turned out differently for her , he knew .
27 That 's to say , she had firm features and smartly cut , possibly dyed hair obviously kept under regular control , and she behaved as if she had known a time when she turned every head and expected you to be aware of this too .
28 Clare felt as if she had won a sweepstake .
29 Although she knew they were both wrong she could n't apportion blame to either of them , not yet , at any rate ; the only thing she knew at the moment was that what she had heard tied her to this house and the business as if she had signed a contract giving away her life .
30 Maggie was a very young woman , she thought that if she had to face a gang of young firemen she would be more comfortable in something smart .
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