Example sentences of "if she be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well she copes because she had the same problem as me with her hands if she 's writing for long , her hands ache , so she can write a longer letter if she types , so I said I , I did n't really , I like a hand written letter best it seems more personal somehow , perhaps they do , having a typed letter means you can send a longer one , they all mean
2 It 's hard to admit sometimes I just ca n't help Linda if she 's dealing with something that only she can deal with .
3 If she 's suffered at all then it will be over now .
4 Berenice 's blood-pressure is far too high and the doctors are insistent she must n't have worries of any kind if she 's to go to full term . ’
5 But if she 's living with someone else how does she explain her absence the weekend she goes to John ?
6 She looks as if she 's made of man-made fibres you see .
7 I 've been finding that normally I can get up early in the morning , give Heather a ring or if she 's staying with me give her a shout , you know for her work .
8 Erm well if she 's going to be er having an income of about twenty thousand a year after the mortgage is paid I think that would be sufficient .
9 Erm , I wondered if I should ask her if she 's going to the chinese tomorrow if she wants to drop in on the way home .
10 Even if she 's afflicted with those dark curly sprouts which creep up from the bikini line , ultimately shrouding the bellybutton in a rich hirsute outcrop , she could n't give a fried calamari .
11 Just think what the reaction might have been if she 's responded by saying she had no plans to quit .
12 If she 's playing with some children on the other side of the room and suddenly looks up to find you 're not there , she wails .
13 If she does n't answer me seriously , he thought , if she 's listened to the chatter about me , she 's had it .
14 If she 's crying for some other reason like because we 've been quarrelling and she wants to make up but does n't know how to I just put my arms round her and cuddle her and let her cry it out .
15 If she 's coming with her
16 The recent single , Love You All My Lifetime , should have been a bigger hit and shows that Chaka can still sound as if she 's bursting with all the joys of spring .
17 If she is staying in a comfortable hotel , has a caddie to look after her needs at the golf course and can travel on the packages arranged by the Tour 's travel operators , then she is more likely to be able to devote her full concentration on her golf .
18 If she is dining with friends at San Lorenzo , her favourite restaurant , her current detective , Inspector Ken Wharfe will often join her table at the end of the meal and regale the assembled throng with his jokes .
19 Clarke equalled the United Kingdom junior women 's record of 2.95 metres , and must now wait anxiously to see if she is selected for the junior international match against Hungary later this month .
20 If she is withdrawn from school for two years to help produce a new language course eighty children will lose out .
21 Likewise in the case of Lewis 's Eve : if she is ransomed by Ransom 's struggle with the Un-Man in the underworld , a sort of Harrowing of Hell sequence , how can she be said to have resisted the temptation on her own ; and if she has not really resisted through her own strength — if she is to be rewarded with immortality and felicity for something she has not done herself — where is the justice in the punishment , on another planet , of Eve and her descendants , for something which again was not wholly her responsibility ?
22 ‘ You know she does n't have the voice , and she 'll already be covering two heavy roles if she is to lead in the Baron and sing Juliette in our new Luxembourg .
23 The bikini is tiny , three triangles of cotton crochet , and her ribs protrude so much that she looks as if she is made of corrugated paper .
24 If she is to go to the Superfinal in Cardiff in May as leading qualifier , she must at least return home with gold and silver from the 50 and 100m freestyle this weekend .
25 The only time she will sit with my mother is if she is called into the living room and the door closed behind her .
26 They also negotiate with her a ‘ coming home time ’ if she is going to be out later than usual .
27 ‘ She has never missed a class and she will even telephone if she is going to be two minutes late .
28 ‘ It is going to be a colossal year for her and she will need to draw on every positive lesson she has ever learned if she is to get through it . ’
29 But if she is cleansed of her discharge , she shall count for herself seven days , and after that she shall be clean .
30 ‘ It is impossible that she can give her full concentration to this case if she is sitting under that sort of threat , ’ he said .
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