Example sentences of "if at the [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They were a link — if at the moment a tenuous one .
2 A special problem may arise if at the time the decision is made the patient has been subjected to the influence of some third party .
3 If at the time the issue arises the patient still has capacity to decide , they can not only explore the scope of his decision with the patient , but can seek to persuade him to alter that decision .
4 If at the time the contract is made , the goods are ascertained ( i.e. identified and agreed upon ) , then the contract is one for the sale of specific goods .
5 Neither will the contract be avoided or frustrated if at the time the goods perish , property has already passed to the buyer .
6 said ‘ I am not at present persuaded , however , that the condition in section 14(2) is excluded if at the time the contract is made the buyer is reasonably of the opinion that the defect can be , and will be , rectified at no cost to himself . ’
7 Interest paid under a mortgage is allowable for tax relief if at the time the interest is paid : ( i ) the loan was taken out to purchase property in the UK ; and ( ii ) the person claiming the relief owed an interest in the property and uses it " wholly or to a substantial extent " as his or her only or main residence ( Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 , ss354 and 355 as amended by Finance Act 1988 , s44(1) ) .
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