Example sentences of "if you [vb base] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 If you set fire to Barbs 's back garden , people 're going to notice . ’
2 ‘ They 'll notice if you set fire to her house too , ’ said Camille .
3 Banknote paper was then prepared with a colouring agent made from cobalt , silex , salt and potash : if you set light to a bundle of money , the cinder would take on the extraordinary tint that Musgrave saw on the Caen dockside .
4 Right , if you er if you get access to data erm go into the data processing environment , log to the data , right so log T C I M P can you remember this as textile data , this is textile consumption in the U S , right and we are explaining it in terms of consumer income and the relative price of textiles
5 If you make love to me I 'll have something to look back on with pleasure and gratitude for the rest of my life . ’
6 If you wish interest to be paid to another account you should advise your branch and an amount equal to Basic Rate Income Tax will be retained in your TESSA and will receive interest at the appropriate TESSA rate .
7 But if you lend money to a bank and it becomes insolvent you do .
8 If you pay money to an artist how can you tell if he 's going to be famous a couple of years from now ?
9 If you have material to be offlined ( which you can check using Option 9.8.0 , View Offline Workload ) , then you must have two separate media items available ( in states 2 or 3 on Page 9.3.0 ) , one for Primary copy and one for Secondary .
10 It is particularly useful if you have access to a park to place the clues in .
11 If you have access to such an instrument and you suspect Hexamita infection , then careful examination of your specimen should provide the evidence you require to confirm or refute your suspicions .
12 If you have access to old drawings from an engineering firm , jump at the opportunity of getting them .
13 If you have access to any of the sources I have mentioned , you will have a choice of several different types of " text " .
14 If you have access to two rooms and an audio copy of the soundtrack , you can follow Video Plan 5A .
15 If you have access to a camera this is a question you should think about carefully .
16 It is not an easy thing to get rid of a body by dumping it in the sea , except from a boat , Of course it is less of a problem if you have access to a pier or a jetty , but most such places are public and liable to be overlooked , even at night .
17 ( Nearly new stalls at Rallies are proving popular or if you have access to a VHS video system , a coffee morning might raise a few funds ) .
18 ( If you have access to the original publication , you might find the explanatory notes on p. 90 of interest . )
19 Toby Toby you I 'll tell you what if you want daddy to really want his pudding .
20 But of course the problems are with this contract that it would n't suit everybody , one because you 've got no access for the ten years , you 've bought the contract up front , and if you want access to it , it 's very limited and of course if you cash an endowment early as we know it 'd damage the , the er the income sorry the , the growth at the end of the plan .
21 If you want bathtime to be the height of luxury , you will be inspired by the very latest in shower accessories : the Cozydry .
22 Over here it does n't even look as if you need access to the Royal Mint or the Bank of England to forge bank-notes , judging by the warning messages on the colour photocopiers that have stationed themselves inside the printing bureaux .
23 The problem is , the term Lamarckism has changed its meaning in the course of this century , and now Lamarckism , if you say Lamarckism to most educated people , the first thing they normally think of , is not evolution by will , or , or progressivism , but inheritance of acquired characteristics .
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