Example sentences of "if you [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) If you haven " t already heard , write to the selling agent for full particulars of the sale and parties , etc. ( 5 ) If you act for a seller whose unregistered title deeds are with a bank , building society , etc , write for the deeds , or ( if they are not clients of yours ) for the name and address of the conveyancers to whom they will be sent , and from whom an abstract can be obtained .
2 If you act for a mortgagee on such a purchase of unregistered land , you will again need a certified copy of the mortgage document ; so be wise in time and have a spare carbon or print ( if you are using a building society or other printed form ) prepared when engrossing .
3 If the conveyancer for the lessor refuses to delete it , or if you act for a purchase of an existing lease that includes such a provision , you should always explain to your client the nature of the provision , its unusual nature and its disadvantages ( putting off a subsequent prospective buyer or mortgagee , delay and expense in taking up references and obtaining the licence ) .
4 ( 2 ) If you know who they are , write to the conveyancers for the seller or buyer , as the case may be , confirming that you are acting for your client , and if your client is the buyer asking for the draft contract documentation , or if you act for the seller , either sending or promising to send the draft agreement for sale .
5 If you act for the seller of a building estate , even though it comprises no more than a dozen houses or flats , it will repay you to have printed as many documents as possible ( drafts and engrossments of conveyance or lease , contract , etc ) and to anticipate as far as you can a buyer 's preliminary requirements .
6 If you apply for a loan with NatWest , we keep the formalities to a minimum .
7 Of course , if you apply for a PEP by sending your application direct to the PEP Department at Capital House , you can still benefit from the free financial health check — simply contact your local branch .
8 If you studied for a two-year teachers ' certificate at the University before the early 1980s , you qualify to join the Duannians .
9 If you hope for a better world then maybe if you try hard enough , it can be achieved .
10 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
11 ‘ Well , if you went for the certificate you want the job , do n't you ’
12 But I think if you went for the figure as proposed by the H B F , you would be going actively against the regeneration statutory which is the erm the government 's policy .
13 If you reflect for a moment on which areas are likely to have rocks under tension , and where cracking and dyke intrusion are likely , you will realize that the mid-ocean ridges are hot favourites for this kind of activity .
14 This is for £1.05p , or 90p if you opted for the discount .
15 Professor Bernard Isaacs of Birmingham University has said : ‘ If you design for the young , you exclude the old .
16 Er and y you know if you sent for a doctor you were almost apologetic that the mother was torn .
17 Er but if a , a doctor 's visit I think they used to pay five shilling if , if you sent for the doctor .
18 If you asked for a special audit they would probably welcome it , as an indication that the bank was going to great lengths not to put them out of business . "
19 If you asked for the evidence of accountability , there were no measures .
20 If you yearn for the romance of the golden age of sail , try the Island Cruising Club based at Salcombe , which runs a gorgeous 72 ft Edwardian schooner and a 70 ft Brixham sailing trawler .
21 Like , if you ask for a bath , they 'll say , ‘ No , you ca n't have a bath . ’
22 If you ask for a ‘ general clean ’ you might only get vacuuming and light dusting
23 And erm if you ask for the despatch manager they say we have n't got one .
24 If you opt for a childminder , you should : Visit the house several times with your child .
25 Bear in mind however , that if you opt for a natural wood finish your mistakes will all be seen !
26 If you opt for the once a week regime , apply the oils three times a day if possible , otherwise once a day is enough .
27 If you opt for the minimum , contracted out personal pension , you will pay the full-rate of national insurance contributions , and the government will pass on a rebate to the firm providing the pension ( a bank , a building society , an insurance company , or a unit trust ) .
28 TV Sports Boxing is playable if you opt for the management side of the game and simply let the computer fight for you .
29 That stacks up to a quite well specified machine , and you 'll find file operations , particularly , slow on a 20MHz SX if you opt for the HPFS .
30 The rules on incorrect scores are simple and Draconian : if you sign for a score which is lower than your actual score you are disqualified ; if you sign for a higher score than your actual , the higher score stands .
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