Example sentences of "if he were [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was so extraordinarily quiet and self-possessed , it was almost as if he were chatting to us confidentially about it all instead of making an elaborate speech .
2 He went on dreamily , as if he were speaking of some Homeric adventure .
3 Albert said in a reverent voice as if he were speaking in church .
4 Ruth wanted to reach out and pull him back , as if he were moving towards a precipice .
5 Since I am involved in this affair , it would be preferable to me if he were dealing with it . ’
6 There seemed no stopping her and he felt as if he were listening to some of the most important information he had ever heard .
7 It was as if he were gazing into heaven , and Agatha was n't so old that she 'd forgotten what that felt like .
8 But the paper was so damp that his pen merely furrowed it , as if he were writing on a slab of butter .
9 Manciple sounded as if he were apologizing for the other man 's rudeness .
10 Jim spoke as if he were telephoning from a golf club instead of a cuckold 's bed .
11 Russell 's eyes followed her every move as if he were looking through the sight of a gun .
12 He knew the pattern of the carpet by heart but now it was as if he were looking at it for the first time , taking it all in , the design of orange and black squares .
13 She lifted a hand to shade her eyes and Martin Jackson 's face appeared on the backdrop of light , as if he were looking at her from the sun 's centre .
14 His tone had been matter-of-fact , as if he were reporting to a committee .
15 He stared at the table as if he were talking to himself .
16 ‘ No Villanuova has ever had a job , that 's why , ’ he replied as if he were talking to a child .
17 Golding 's voice sank to a murmur , as if he were talking to himself rather than Derek .
18 He bent and twisted himself before it , jerking suddenly this way and that , as if he were lying in wait for disease , determined to pounce on it before it could strike .
19 Outside , Goldman was looking down at Schmidt as if he were standing on a cliff 's edge and peering at the drop .
20 ‘ I am the Conservatives ’ Jeremy Irons , ’ he murmured as apologetically as if he were standing at the rostrum with a brand new Oscar .
21 When they were so intimately joined , how would she not know if he were cheating on her ?
22 He has already told McCoist , for instance , that he would get the number of goals Rangers ' top scorer has if he were playing at Ibrox .
23 She sat up very straight on the side of the bed and continued to address him as if he were sitting on a mat in the Top Infants , wrestling with difficult , dangerous new concepts like add-ups and take-aways and the precise whereabouts of Australia .
24 He shouted , so the doctor told Dexter , as if he were crying to someone a great distance away .
25 She kept waiting for him to do something , but he hesitated , as if he were waiting for her .
26 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
27 He felt as if he were pressing against a strong , polarised magnetic force .
28 His agitation was plain as he rubbed the palm of one beefy hand against the back of the other , as if he were suffering from a skin irritation .
29 His right elbow was leaning on the arm of the chair and his wide forehead was resting in his right hand as if he were suffering from migraine , troubles , fatigue .
30 It gets its name from the fact that it requires a fighter simply to raise his hands in a defensive position and bend his legs slightly , almost as if he were walking down the street .
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