Example sentences of "if it [vb past] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But if that activity became more strident and refused to take no for an answer ; if it became more popular , participatory , and direct , taking to the streets and becoming something called " extra-parliamentary politics " ; and if it threatened to overload the capacity of the state , then it was condemned — and condemned as at odds with the liberal-democracy of the British constitution .
2 Taking equation ( 4.29 ) to represent the economist 's model , it is easy to see that he would recommend to a government that if it wished to achieve a higher level of real output it should raise the rate of growth of the quantity of money .
3 In the short term , there are various measures that would be open to the government if it wished to reduce the impact of the community charge .
4 When you heard me I was imagining a process whereby you 'd have a strategic sites policy in the structure plan which would enable a local authority in preparing its local plan if it wished to identify a strategic site and that would then become in the local plan , you know subject to all those consultation processes , and then it 's part of the portfolio that is available in the published arena with a statutory framework behind it .
5 Peristalsis was considered ‘ failed ’ either if there was no contraction wave at all , or if it failed to traverse the entire length of the oesophagus , or if a simultaneous contraction occurred .
6 The Security Council vote on Croatia , a unanimous 15-0 , came after a lengthy debate in which Russia called for sanctions against the former Yugoslav republic if it failed to honour a peace agreement signed a year ago .
7 It was all very well picking at the past like this if it helped to exorcise the demons , but he was n't sure that was what William wanted .
8 But if it troubled to open a history book or to read some political analysis it would see that the thing most needed by a government under pressure at home is an enemy without .
9 If it wanted to reject the preliminary drafts , so be it .
10 If a country 's exchange rate is generally thought to be overvalued , however , then the central bank concerned would face heavy losses of foreign currency if it attempted to maintain the exchange rate at its current value .
11 The United Nations last night warned Serbia it would face military attack and the wrath of the world if it tried to spread the conflict .
12 If the restriction had appeared in the Articles , it would have been unlawful , and therefore invalid , if it purported to fetter the rights of the company to increase its capital .
13 During his meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Tsutomu Hata , he was assured that Japan would continue to support India if it decided to seek an extended funding facility from the IMF .
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