Example sentences of "if it [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 But if that activity became more strident and refused to take no for an answer ; if it became more popular , participatory , and direct , taking to the streets and becoming something called " extra-parliamentary politics " ; and if it threatened to overload the capacity of the state , then it was condemned — and condemned as at odds with the liberal-democracy of the British constitution .
2 In the short term , there are various measures that would be open to the government if it wished to reduce the impact of the community charge .
3 If it proposes to amend the key diagram such that it does not indicate that the County Council intends to construct a blue route , which is what the key diagram indicates to me at the moment , then the ball game becomes very different .
4 It managed to hold its own yesterday and if it continues to strengthen the pundits reckon we could be due for another prolonged rally in shares in the New Year .
5 Peristalsis was considered ‘ failed ’ either if there was no contraction wave at all , or if it failed to traverse the entire length of the oesophagus , or if a simultaneous contraction occurred .
6 And although the scheme has achieved its initial objectives it presently has 85 students at 11 organisations with the majority at the National Audit Office the Institute ‘ may need to re-examine its general approach to industrial and commercial organisations ’ , if it hopes to extend the range of its training opportunities .
7 The judge added , at p. 143 , that if Woolwich had not paid there might have been an assessment or a writ ‘ with the result in either case of highly undesirable publicity for Woolwich if it had withheld the very large sums claimed by the revenue to be due ’ and that there was an understandable fear by Woolwich of damage to its reputation .
8 By that time , many more men had arrived , swirling up through the yard to be sucked into the hall , as if it had become the quiet , humming centre of some whirlpool of power .
9 If it had reached the Morvan and had then turned round , but did not make it back to base , then a crash on land or sea is self-evident : if on land , only the agency — the weather , engine trouble , or enemy action — is in doubt .
10 The Leader of the Opposition simply pointed out in an article that he wrote just before the party conference that the proportion of gross domestic product — national income — devoted to education since 1979 had dropped , and that if it had remained the same , the difference would be the figure to which the hon. Gentleman has referred .
11 ‘ And , if it had hit the airliner , Russian lives would have been unnecessarily lost . ’
12 As the largest single party in the upper chamber , however , the LDP could have commanded an overall majority if it had secured the support of Komeito .
13 ‘ Many statutes are passed by political bargaining and snap judgments of expediency ; the courts can rarely be sure that Parliament would have altered the wording if it had foreseen the situation . ’
14 A Liberal Party spokesman refused to be drawn on the price the Government wanted if it had met the demands , saying that , since the deal fell through , it was hypothetical .
15 If it had published the full document as originally written , we would know that there are some real nasties in it .
16 If it had addressed the staffing issue in 1984 , and cut costs via such measures as early retirement , he claimed , it would have made $7,000m net profit last year .
17 Such a move would have been legitimate if it had offered the possibility of new kinds of experimental tests , perhaps leading to the discovery of some unexpected feature of the earth 's atmosphere .
18 Anyway , if it becomes known the lass left a child behind , the authorities will be visitin' you , and then you 'll be able to get rid of her . ’
19 Certain industries will demand regulation if it helps to improve the position of the firms within them .
20 If it helps to view the circus as a horror show then it 's Carry on Screaming .
21 The thinking of politicians for whom education is only important if it helps boost the national economy , and this is important because it helps people enjoy what they want , and this is important because it encourages consumption and thus industry , either goes round in a vicious circle or takes off on an interminable regress .
22 If it decides to replace the asset , it has to borrow again .
23 And if it stays blocking the lane , they ca n't get any more machines in . ’
24 If it does exist the gene may help resolve some of the questions about how antibiotics work and give clues for new antibiotics .
25 Nevertheless , if it does damage the opponent 's eye , you will be penalised .
26 such informal group norms were important to the workers even to the extent that an individual worker might refuse promotion if it meant leaving the group ;
27 It 's about time somebody killed this ‘ debate ’ dead in its tracks , even if it meant stating the obvious ; that postmodernism is nothing more than Situationism without the socialism , the archetypal assimilation of revolutionary technique and terminology .
28 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
29 In his notice of appeal he contends that the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission made on his behalf that any consideration of the welfare of the children in the context of the exercise of a judicial discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention was only relevant as a material factor if it meant placing the children in an intolerable situation under article 13 ( b ) .
30 Not by cheating … but if it meant trimming the petals with a pair of scisasors ten minutes before walking out the hall and the judge wo n't notice it …
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