Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 do you wan na little bit more table , that 's gon na be alright because you 've erm , if I move them if you put on that , if I hold them on my lap and then they wo n't get , you wo n't want to ask me , do you want another one ?
2 Erm , thought it would be nice at handicrafts afternoon and then we could throw the handicraft meeting open to anybody if I told them at the meeting before were going to have it .
3 If I take them on the table they wo n't make so much noise then
4 So I get , if I get them on target I normally get a couple of wickets .
5 Thus it was that Ira Dilworth paid tribute and bade farewell to Emily Carr with the borrowed lines from Thomas Hardy , and I am certain that none would object if I borrow them as my tribute to both .
6 Oh I have a wee store , yes , but you see you do n't carry them , I do n't carry them with me , if I carried them with me I could sing I could , well that 's it ,
7 Theyspoketo them nicely but if I asked them for anything it was as though they could n't be bothered .
8 I think these 'd probably be better if I did them on the one you suggested for
9 ‘ Not if I beat them to a pulp it wo n't .
10 I do n't mind if I have them in figures every time
11 If I give them to you , you can do your story first and then pass them on . ’
12 In any case she had not expected that her role in the assessment would be limited to receiving information back from an EWO : ‘ We did n't ask for it [ the assessment ] — it was the education system who said it should be done — if I accept them into my home I do n't expect them to disappear for twelve months , if they invited themselves in . ’
13 Forgive me if I share them with you , in the hope that they may echo your own sentiments .
14 She described how she walked around for months ‘ with a pain , almost a physical pain , in my heart ’ ; of how she avoided friends and pulled her hat over her face if she met them in the street ; of how , at last , she knew she must express her thousand emotions about her little grandchild in the way she knew best , in clay .
15 Yeah , yeah and they 're sort of grey , I 'm not sure if she got them in a charity , I 'm certainly sure it was n't bought in a shoe shop , cos she goes round every charity , she wo n't go in , you know I told you about that , oh I do n't know what it is , she said it 's loaded out with stuff and we 'll have to have a walk round there , erm , round by what was Kennedy 's , erm
16 And if she told them of her world , they , in turn , made her free in theirs .
17 He wondered if she hung them on a china hand at night when she went to bed .
18 Especially not if she puts them by the bed . ’
19 When she had gone Scarlet began to peel courgettes , worrying the while whether she was not doing so prematurely : if she left them thus denuded , exposed to the air , they would discolour , while if she immersed them in water , their vitamin C content would dissipate .
20 She 's trying to sell the place ; she 'd make damn sure that those figures were available if she wanted them to be seen .
21 If they have to stay in the trench long enough for new roots to develop , they are not so likely to be damaged if you lift them from loose , friable soil .
22 These are delicious by themselves , but if you use them for Devils on Horseback ( see p112 ) your cocktail party will surely be an enormous success .
23 You 're lucky if you survive them at all . ’
24 Intelligent Aside from that small niggle , which is n't that important , given that you can always use the file transfer utility to move any files you need from redirected devices to the client machine , the FastLynx device drivers are very intelligent — if you tell them to be .
25 Well , they will , they will do it , but they wo n't want to do it er , you know , like committing themselves if you tell them to .
26 I do n't know why you would want to kill them , but I 'm sure that you would if you had them in your hands .
27 If you do nothing about those feelings , the recipient will probably be totally unaware of them ; if you translate them into action , you may well be setting in motion a train of events which will cause harm and destruction , bringing as much grief to yourself as to the object of your ill-will .
28 walnuts never if you crack them along the seam they never come out whole , you always break into the nut
29 Tea parties are wonderful fun — especially if you hold them in the garden on a hot day .
30 Especially if you get them at the , the far end of the continuum .
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