Example sentences of "if [pron] get the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I got the intervals right they 'd be the same .
2 I worked every single day and at night too , if I got the chance .
3 I felt I ought to try and phone him at home to tip him off — if I got the chance .
4 It 's always been on my mind — I suppose it always will — and I 've always said that if I got the opportunity to kill the man I 'd do it , and I would take the consequences .
5 I 'm psyched up to make an appearance on Wednesday if I get the chance , whether it is for one minute or 10 . ’
6 Maybe I 'll write them down some day , if I get the chance .
7 ‘ There is a part of me still wants to be back in Bosnia and if I get the chance I 'll be there like a shot . ’
8 If I get the piss taken out of me tonight
9 Aye of course if I get the test .
10 do you mind if I get the stuff for perception
11 So he said , I said well what if I get the stuff right ?
12 Mum , if I get the Rice Crispies
13 I will return to Ford , if I get the opportunity — which I hope will now be afforded me .
14 No I might er might decide to do something about it if I get the inspiration .
15 The coppers are going to be mad at me , as it is , if I get the jump on them with Vecchi .
16 I always say it will be done in a fortnight ; this gives me more leeway if things go wrong and if I get the garment finished before the two weeks are up the person is usually delighted .
17 If I get the subway I 'll probably fall asleep and end up at Washington Heights . ’
18 So but there again if I get the enquiries fas I mean , that obviously is the enquiry came through to me so obviously I quoted on it but
19 If I get the result I wanted there is consolidation rather than extension of my committee skills , but if I do not get the result I wanted then I have learned something and I form a new hypothesis about my next interjection strengthened by this new learning .
20 Well , I certainly will take it up if I get a copy letter , I mean it is obviously that some departments act differently , and I understand that in any case this is only a letter from the secretary , it 's not him , so I mean , I 'm quite happy to take it up if I get the copy of that , and explain that this department act , does rather differently from some of the others .
21 So the easiest thing really is obviously is if I get the thing sorted out and then , turn it
22 So if I get the typists to actually pick out those for individuals on this check list , we 'd have it would n't we ?
23 Yeah , but I 'll tell you what I 'll laugh like hell if I get the iron !
24 ‘ Can she come with me , if I get the job ?
25 If someone got the pendulum , gave it a flick
26 She 'll watch it half an hour in the evening before she goes to bed if she gets the chance .
27 ‘ Not when I think of the trouble she 's caused , and she 'd cause more if she got the chance . ’
28 And Miss Linnet Gage , who would marry Adolphus Moon herself , like a shot , if she got the chance .
29 She would certainly go if she got the chance , and he would not blame her .
30 There was a fair indication too that , if she got the job , she was going to work harder than she had ever worked , in that she would have an assistant to work with her .
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