Example sentences of "if [pron] have [be] made " in BNC.

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1 I would have thought how stupid it was if I 'd been made do it .
2 And she knew that if she had been made welcome from the start , she would still want to be with them , in spite of this comparative luxury .
3 Even if you have been made the target of naked literary abuse , it will make satisfying reading when you play your first sell-out show at Wembley !
4 If you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long time you have two additional problems to overcome .
5 However , if you have been made redundant or are long-term unemployed you need to understand the thinking behind the interviewer 's prejudices and strive to overcome them by demonstrating strongly that you are unemployed because of circumstances beyond your control , not because you yourself are inadequate .
6 To summarize : if you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long period :
7 However , if you have been made redundant from a skilled or semi-skilled job you are eligible .
8 Mind , not everybody 's got the money to erm pay for jobs have they , today , if they 've been made redundant they have n't got the money .
9 That last bomb had taken out those houses as if it had come with a great grasping fist and scooped them up and crunched them into rubble as easily as if they 'd been made of matchsticks .
10 Angelo Heilprin , an American geologist who visited the scene a few weeks later and wrote a book about the tragedy , described ‘ twisted bars of iron , great masses of roof sheeting wrapped like cloth about posts upon which they had been flung , and iron girders looped and festooned as if they had been made of rope ’ .
11 The answer is probably that workers come a lot cheaper in China , but the money they have saved that way could surely have been doubled in extra sales — not to mention saving on shipping costs — if they had been made in a British factory .
12 The drawing-room was full of rugs that looked upsettingly as if they had been made from earlier Afghans .
13 Critics also argue that , because statements made under the lobby rules mean that they can not be directly attributed to Mr Ingham , his colleagues or Government Ministers , they are less credible than if they had been made on the record .
14 Yet they were now learning to kiss as if they had been made for one another , she thought in panic .
15 The Luttrell Psalter of 1338 illustrates a watermill complete with eel traps which look very much as if they have been made out of pliant willow stems .
16 Even tin — imagine , just imagine , my dear and most esteemed Advocate , one of those medical illustrations , those écorché figures showing the skeins of muscle , the ropes of veins , in three dimensions , and then transmuted into metal , so that the tissues and channels and ducts and gristle ’ — the speaker 's hands traced intricate forms in the air in his morbid enthusiasm — ‘ look as if they have been made out of silver wire . ’
17 The payment would appear in your 1988 accounts , and in the Government 's accounts for 1988/89 , just as if it had been made in August .
18 ‘ It is not necessary to consider what would have been the effect of the payment of £20 if it had been made in full satisfaction of the demand against Hunter .
19 She realized that she was feeling it too , frozen to the marrow in this bitter East wind which kept whipping her cloak off her shoulders as contemptuously as if it had been made of pocket-handkerchieves instead of tablecloths , her stomach hollow and aching , her head feeling light and aching a little too .
20 But the decision made itself , as if it had been made a long time before .
21 Though the stone was large , the ornate gold band was small , and it fitted as if it had been made for her .
22 Producer , Lyn Goleby was on a visit to the school to answer questions on the film , which ranged from how much say the author had in shooting the film , to whether ’ The Bridge ’ might have had to have a happier ending if it had been made with American money .
23 It had all trees on it and looked as if it had been made for picnics .
24 ‘ It looks as if it 's been made out of a tree and it feels lovely .
25 If it has been made of lead , then I would also have suggested that it was a pommel .
26 He had always banked on being good enough to play another Test match , even if he had been made to serve the full five-year ban .
27 ‘ He looks as if he 'd been made King of the Harem . ’
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