Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I think if I had a bigger bust my guts would n't look so big .
2 Cos what I thought , if I had a bigger you can always turn , you can always turn them up for us sew them and all that .
3 Because if I 'm not reasonably careful , if I do have another drink , in fact if I stay a further minute even without another drink-then I shall probably suggest to you that we proceed — do n't forget that we do n't ‘ progress ’ in the police force , we always ‘ proceed ’ — to , er … ’
4 So the very simple question is , if I wanted a higher allocation to units , who am I asking the question to , Sue is it yours .
5 ‘ Perhaps , ’ he thought , ‘ if I live a better life , the picture will become less ugly . ’
6 It 's Beethoven 's Ode to Joy , the the last movement of Beethoven 's ninth symphony , erm , you 'd know the tune , you 'd recognise it , particularly if you had a better singer than me on as a accompaniment .
7 Would your problems be solved if you had a smaller house ?
8 Would your problems be solved if you had a smaller house ?
9 And th it 's a it 's a it 's a strange situation but if you 've got a smaller estate you 'll get away with it , and if you 've a larger one you 've got to tell them about it .
10 You know probably if you got a younger person , he probably would have been after him , square up to him , and erm .
11 If if you get a better job and what have you you can always
12 If you invent a better mouse trap the world will beat a path to your door ’ .
13 Obviously , if you followed a stricter diet , allowing you only 1,000 calories a day , you would draw an additional 500 calories a day from your body fat .
14 The most important lesson to be learned by both the parents and the child is that when mother says ‘ no ’ she means ‘ no ’ and not ‘ well if you make a louder fuss I might give in ’ .
15 If you fancy a longer walk it is easy enough to extend your trip through the forest — a circuit of the forest is just under nine miles and will take you around four or five hours .
16 If the meal you are attacking is lunch , or if you prefer a lighter dinner , it is becoming more and more acceptable ( indeed fashionable ! ) to eat two first courses and do away with the traditional entrée .
17 Without doubt , the Tampico is the best place to stay if you like a quieter relaxed atmosphere and the beach — it starts all of about 10 metres from the bar , and the only thing separating the two is the swimming pool .
18 In the end , only the action is viable , so that all these essays tend to match the inside ethnography and are nullified by neglect or have any contentious matter treated as ‘ privileged information ’ , for as Templeton ( 1980 : 904 ) argues ‘ the police fear that if you have a better understanding of society , you are in a better position to change it — the very exercise [ they ] are reluctant to engage in ’ .
19 If you have a larger area to plant than that shown in the plan , increase the quantities of plants used , or try some others , too .
20 If you want a lengthier walk there are plenty of routes to choose from in the forest .
21 If you want a better-than-equal chance of success , you 've started in exactly the right place .
22 If you want a bigger car you take another test .
23 So , for the moment , if you want a higher resolution page printer it really is a case of going to find it rather than having it thrust at you .
24 Another which could be used , if you want a longer stretch of time for the recording , is the Synchrofax Audio Page ( see Appendix 2 ) .
25 If you need a further mandate , contact the Members ' Registration Department , ( ) .
26 If you need a larger pair ( 24in , say ) , hire them for the day .
27 If you need a larger one that that
28 Rebuild your original engine or replace with 2¼ as the fitting of a larger engine requires extensive modification to the rest of the vehicle i e brakes , gear ratios , tyres etc If you fit a larger engine you will have to convert to 12v .
29 Teacher : If you found a bigger box could we add it to the train for me to sit in ?
30 If we had a larger sample , it would be easier to venture a firm opinion . ’
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