Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] make [det] " in BNC.

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1 Back at the firm , did my colleagues ask if I had made any good deals , ordered too much or made new contacts ?
2 I have enclosed a copy and would be most grateful if you could find the time to scan through it to see if I have made any errors of fact or tactics .
3 I would be grateful if you could just check to see if I have made any errors of fact , or have misunderstood any point you and your colleagues made to us .
4 If I have to make some new decisions about myself and how I 'm going to live my life from now on . ’
5 Nevertheless , you should once again proceed with caution if you wish to make any claims on the basis that you have been dismissed .
6 If you try to make that drag petrol tanker about , if you 've got a suitable gearbox
7 The tour in Japan was over and David left — he sailed for Vladivostok — and finally , just to get rid of me as usual ( if you keep making enough noise they 'll get rid of you for a little peace and quiet ) they gave me a visa .
8 Also bear in mind that if you want to make some authentic-looking rose buds , each one will only need three or four petals , so several buds can be made from one flower .
9 Now , if you want to make any notes read them through now , it may be helpful to you if you think can just remember then that 's okay by me .
10 They 're keen to do it a and if you want to make any more it can be done but I think
11 If you want to make this a popularity poll , go ahead , but my assets still overtake yours , I think ! ’
12 If you want to make this into a big project , collect two or three different sorts ( 20 of each ) , but keep them in separate pots .
13 Tip : If you want to make this dish hotter add a teaspoon of chilli sauce .
14 If you want to make more of the networking , there are two rows of sockets on the motherboard for an optional Token Ring adaptor , and a socket for a network boot ROM .
15 If you neglect to make this allowance , the first second or so of each shot will be lost as it is assembled onto the copy .
16 There 's a private telephone in the compartment in front of you if you need to make any outside calls .
17 So , all th , even if you wanted to make that qualification , it 's there , in him , I am righteous !
18 I shall make that letter available to the solicitor who we have asked to check out with Estates , and with other authorities regarding the way forward , if we wish to make any public statements about our dealings with Nestlé .
19 If we have to make any of the above mentioned changes , we will inform you or your Travel Agent as soon as is reasonably possible before departure and you then have the choice of :
20 In particular , if one started to make such systems much more , how shall I put it , tailor the electronics to the purpose , then the cost could be quite low .
21 It is hoped that they do , because it can be shown that theories that include gravity are either finite or nonrenormalizable ; that is , if one has to make any infinite subtractions , then one will have to make an infinite number of them with a corresponding infinite number of undetermined remainders .
22 I do n't know if anybody wants to make any comments about any of the items on paper B Okay , is it agreed to receive this report ?
23 I , I would normally say to you now , right what 's your objectives for the two days , but to be honest if we do that , er , I do n't think it helps very much , erm , but if anybody wants to make any comments about any specific part of it , er , then I 'll try and just talk you through it .
24 planning applications and er er items relating to Poor Lane , er and also the traffic on Station Road later on , er I think it 's rather complicated to talk about all of these at at one go , because I know er different members of the public have come for different reasons and perhaps , for the moment , I 'll not ask for any comments about Mr Smith 's proposals on Poor Lane , er nor er comments about Station Road , er but I will ask you if you want to refer to planning applications , er we have three planning applications , one is to extend the car park behind the pub , one is for a change of plan to one of the houses on the development adjacent to us , er and the third one is er er the plans submitted by Grant Development at Thorney , erm , I suspect most comments will be about the last , er perhaps I should ask first if anybody wants to make any comments about proposals behind the reindeer in , or at Chapel cottage site , does anybody , er in the public want to mention those erm , well we will go on to the one at Thorney then , and you 're Mr Walker ?
25 ‘ I ate too much last night , ’ said Betty at what would have been breakfast if they 'd made any .
26 the probation service held their own inquiry to see if they had made any mistakes .
27 This would show how well the catapult worked and if they had to make any adjustments in their aim .
28 Examples of this may be : the agoraphobic person who never goes out because they believe they will collapse and die of a heart attack ; the lift phobic who believes they may become trapped in the lift and suffocate to death ; a person who avoids meeting others because , if a disagreement starts , they believe they will lose their temper and hit people ; and last , a person may obsessively check the locks on doors and windows , believing that somebody is bound to break into the house if they fail to make these checks .
29 If it manages to make that charge stick , it will have got itself a powerful vote-winner .
30 He felt the contact was so invaluable that he was prepared to turn down the job at the head of one of the UK 's premier blue-chip companies if it meant making such a sacrifice .
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