Example sentences of "their [noun pl] at the end " in BNC.

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1 The content of the assessment should integrate the user and carer perspectives at all stages of the process , and not simply add on their views at the end .
2 Klaus Töpfer , the federal environment minister , has capitalised on his country 's environmental angst by devising a bold principle : that companies should have a legal obligation to take back — and to recycle — their products at the ends of their lives .
3 Their debts at the end of a course would be even greater .
4 Remember that most people tend to drop their voices at the end of a sentence .
5 I had to repeat things again and again , hoping that something would sink in , but I was rewarded for my efforts with the satisfaction of knowing that they all passed their examinations at the end of the year .
6 His objective is clear : ‘ We want everyone to return home safely to their families at the end of their day 's work , ’ he said .
7 they were dangling their toes at the end of this thing .
8 Some men had become separated from their wives at the end of the civil war in 1949 , while other had married in China during tourist or business trip .
9 When they left their stalls at the end of Lauds , and approached the night stairs to return to their beds , a slight , habited figure arose from its knees to confront them , stepping into what light there was very gingerly , but with resigned resolution , like one expecting a bleak welcome , but braced to endure and survive it .
10 Imagine that firms have set their prices at the end of period 0 to give a price level of P in periods 1 and 2 .
11 Notice that workers who set their wages at the end of even periods believed , in the even period t - 1 , that the price level in odd period t would remain unchanged in period t + 1 .
12 Similarly , we assume that workers who set their wages at the end of odd periods believed , in the odd period t - 2 , that the price level would be the same in periods t - 1 and t .
13 They are not expecting special dispensation and that is why so many of the Lourdes pilgrimages are undertaken by genuine pilgrims who may not be able to throw away their crutches at the end but will find new strength from their visit .
14 In March foreigners held 57.2 billion pesos of government paper , more even than Mexicans , who owned 53.5 billion pesos — just half their holdings at the end of 1991 .
15 All will lose their jobs at the end of next week .
16 In the first case in which such guidance was received , the jury returned with a new British and Commonwealth record of £1.5 million , against an author who had attacked Lord Aldington as a " war criminal " over his role in the forcible repatriation of Cossacks to their deaths at the end of the second World War .
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