Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although all firms that go into IVAs are automatically referred to the Institute 's Investigation Committee , the Committee 's policy is that it will adjourn consideration of their cases to give the arrangements time to work , unless there is evidence of fraud , falsehood or gross recklessness .
2 Based in a back alley recording studio in an unfashionable part of the city , they had married their talents to perfect a pop formula that was selling millions .
3 Evidently , when data is processed by the current system , candidate words must also be replaced by their indices to unify the representations .
4 They went through , moving slowly , cautiously , side by side , using their lamps to light the way ahead of them .
5 Threats by angry complainants and their solicitors to stop the presses with eleventh-hour injunctions are largely bluff .
6 Each and every June , the world 's top amateur cyclists get on their bikes to pedal the roads , lanes , hills and mountains of Britain .
7 COUNCIL employees in Middlesbrough have got on their bikes to prove the authority 's Green credentials .
8 The embalmers had used all their skills to repair the body .
9 Stonemason , Oliver Webb is one of the team using their skills to renew the building .
10 These are remarkably tough ; for instance , the recorder manufacturers must demonstrate the ability of their products to withstand a temperature of 1100°C for thirty minutes and a dynamic load of 1000 g for five milliseconds .
11 Som would kill the unborn child or children of women and som ript open their bellys to take the child as offering .
12 When the first giraffes began to stretch their necks to reach the leaves of trees , they were choosing a new habit that would guide the future development of their species over a vast period of time .
13 Representatives of the Darlington Farmers Auction Mart have met the borough council to finalise conditions on their plans to move the market from Clifton Road to Holdforth Grange in Hurworth .
14 It is also one of their plans to put an end to the " danger of communism " through combating these social blights .
15 However , perhaps Dowling and his NZRFU men were taking a sensible step when the included Mains in their plans to improve the media relations of the All Blacks , something which hit bottom during the recent World Cup — and they had not been exactly healthy before that .
16 DARLINGTON health officials have drawn up a smart new logo as part of their plans to revamp the service 's image .
17 He claimed that their plans to dump the roubles back into the Soviet money supply had been forestalled , a matter of hours before it was due to begin , only by his quick decision to order the immediate withdrawal of the high-denomination rouble notes .
18 Latterly , he had advised the Trust on their plans to alter the valve events , with revised profiles for the exhaust cams .
19 Whoever wins , their plans to boost the economy will face political obstacles and will not have an instant effect .
20 The porters , known as ‘ Skycaps ’ , staged a 24-hour walkout on Sunday to try to persuade their employers to recognise the Transport and General Workers Union .
21 I think it 's really quite heartening to see so many aspects that the City Council are already taking notice of , and really are already putting it into their policies to view the environment as something precious , something we 've got to look after , but you 're warning us not to be too complacent are n't you ?
22 Their natural rebelliousness achieved its heights now , not least in their violation of the traditional rules , their attempts to undermine the institution by radical policies , their attempts to breach the system .
23 The convoys were foiled in their attempts to stage a Castlemoreton style festival , so they changed tactics , frustrating police and motorists alike by converging onto the M5 .
24 Unlike previous elections , guerrillas of the National Liberation Army ( ELN ) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) did not declare a truce , but their attempts to sabotage the poll , reduced in most areas to peaceful attempts to persuade people not to vote , had little effect .
25 Bankers like to see governments breaking their election promises because this proves that they are in earnest in their attempts to put the economy to rights .
26 One after another , men failed in their attempts to drive the nails , usually succeeding in bending them , so I was proud when Dad , using the skill gained over so many years at the anvil , gave his nail an almighty thump sending it through to the other side of the board .
27 Their natural rebelliousness achieved its heights now , not least in their violation of the traditional rules , their attempts to undermine the institution by radical policies , their attempts to breach the system .
28 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
29 More importantly , we shall also consider some of the most recent approaches that psychologists have adopted in their attempts to bridge the gap which has hitherto existed between psychological theory and educational practice .
30 They gave up their attempts to cross the Swamp and set out instead to get round it .
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