Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The buyout team have mortgaged their possessions to pay for the company .
2 For a gentle corrective one could do worse than go back to H.L. Mencken who opined that Alexander Graham Bell — the progenitor of the institution in which Penzias holds sway — and Thomas Alva Edison had done more than any of their contemporaries to add to the sum of life 's damned nuisances .
3 Travel and feature writers from all over the world had stayed in Crystal Springs , going back to their desks to write for the Most part glowing reports .
4 Shore crabs , which live higher up the beach , time their activities to coincide with the high tide .
5 From Woolworths , we will hear that the Dixons management have brought their troubles on themselves , that their attempts to cope with the downturn have been lamentable and that only a new team — with a more analytical approach than the pile-it-high philosophy which did Dixons so proud when times were good — can engineer the necessary closure of small high street outlets in favour of a move to larger ones on the edge of town .
6 Their attempts to rule in the king 's name were a failure and by the end of September , if not earlier , Edward had reasserted his freedom of action .
7 Their attempts to rule in the king 's name were a failure and by the end of September , if not earlier , Edward had reasserted his freedom of action .
8 Editor , — Four groups of doctors suffer particularly from age discrimination during their attempts to move through the hospital training grades to consultant appointments : doctors who qualified abroad , those who entered medical school after the normal age of 18–19 , those who have had prolonged illness , and women .
9 Government forces , suffering heavy casualties in their attempts to break through the KNU 's defences , on Dec. 28 , 1989 , finally overran the KNU 's Phalu camp , located 25 km south of the border town of Myawadi , in a loop of the Moei river ( known in Myanma as the Thaungyin river ) forming the border with Thailand .
10 If you , the teacher , take on the " obstacle " role you can focus on their use of space/ body language/ eye contact in their attempts to get round the obstacle .
11 During the 1920s , however , the clash between these two legacies of the Great War for socialists was to become a central issue in their attempts to grapple with the problem of unemployment .
12 Six months ago six major E C Health and Safety Directives came into effect covering workplace safety , machinery , protective equipment , manual handling , work with computers and word processors , they 've built on a framework directive giving workers new rights to consultation and the right to stop the job and the union has been watching the government and the H S E and me as well , in their attempts to water down the requirements of these directives and we might well lodge a formal complaint with Brussels that could land the Tories in Europe 's Court of Justice .
13 The reason behind SIP is , according to POSC president , Dan Turner , that ‘ for every dollar that companies spend on software , they spend $1.50 to $2.00 more to get their programmes to work with the rest of their systems .
14 They offer a few scholarships but are mainly attended by boys from well-to-do families who want their sons to get into the officer corps .
15 Nevertheless , it 's not uncommon in the United States that families may , for example , have to sell their homes to pay for the medical treatment of a relative .
16 A procession is formed as midnight approaches and the Guisers carry blazing half-barrels on their heads to hurl into the bonfire and light it , before first-footing round the parish .
17 None of them allowed their eyes to turn towards the pine wood .
18 Social psychologists need to train their eyes to look beyond the brightly coloured petals or luxuriant foliage to examine these small seeds contained within the presently flowering plant .
19 On 20 February , you published my letter , which proposed that Labour and the Liberal Democrats should each withdraw from 50 seats that they had no chance of winning , and encourage their supporters to vote for the other party .
20 ( The Australian Conservation Foundation and the Wilderness Society , the country 's two main environmentalist groups , called on their supporters to vote for the Democrats — the centre party which held the balance of power in the Senate but which possessed no seats in the House of Representatives — but to direct their second preferences to the ALP . )
21 Welcome back : Thousands of teenagers will be packing their rucksacks to travel around the world this summer , and get away from the stress of exams .
22 The Independent has recently taken delivery of 65 laptops fitted with the software for their journalists to use on the move .
23 That is why most newspapers , including , it has to be said , the much-maligned tabloids , have lent their weight to the Press Complaints Commission 's code of practice , and instructed their journalists to abide by the code 's provisions .
24 Well firstly the bill did n't have that rough a passage in the House of Lords , because there are only two basic amendments , er that we 're dealing with in the House of Commons that matter , and one of them is the one you 've just mentioned , the answer to it is this , er I 've had a lot of criticisms of giving B R the untrammelled right to bid , er right from the outset their criticisms to do with the danger that you would n't get competition for the franchises the private sector would be afraid , and incidentally this is not a sell off it 's it 's a way of getting the private sector into British Rail with all the advantages that brings , they would be afraid that they would face subsidized and unfair competition , above all , perhaps , British Rail ge=management would feel if they were bidding against their employer that would be a real discouragement to bid , and we 've a lot of evidence er that they feel that and that there are many who do wish to bid in management/employee buy outs , so what we 've done in the amendment is we 've preserved the right for British Rail to bid , but we 've dealt with those criticisms and worries which have come from a lot of quarters not least from within British Rail itself .
25 He knew from long experience that a kidnapping usually meant the involvement of the Sardinian shepherds who had , over the past twenty years or so , been steadily leaving their island and bringing their flocks to graze on the hills around Florence .
26 Only a maniac , he said , would think that the wretched pittance of the industrious poor should be wrung out of their pockets to pay for the follies and profligate expenses of anyone .
27 The elder informed my colleague that they were not lost , but had been told by their parents to stay in the store and play on the escalators while they went to a cafe for a coffee .
28 In an adjoining field a sower , a basket cradled in his hands , scattered the life-bearing seeds , whilst behind him two young boys danced and cavorted , swinging their slings to drive off the marauding crows and ravens .
29 The night duty men are also called early from their beds to parade for the football matches , therefore with insufficient sleep , coupled with hours of standing in the cold within a short space of rising from a warm bed , it is not surprising to have a heavy sick list … can not matters be arranged more conveniently for the family man ?
30 On Nov. 23 the government responded to the deteriorating situation by invoking new emergency measures requiring all householders and their guests to register with the police .
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