Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The reaction at the meeting was rather subdued , but at the subsequent interviews most staff expressed their views freely about the way the EPH operated and the purpose that it served .
2 It is disappointing that so few teachers thought it worth attending to express their views either on the resolutions put forward or to raise other matters .
3 The sales and production directors therefore often ask the financial director to put their views informally to the managing director and to sound out his opinion before they approach him formally .
4 More ambitiously , it appointed envoys to present their views directly to the politicians .
5 I grilled a man called George Evans , the managing director of their operations here on the Continent .
6 Such men owed their positions to the constant manipulation of the party machinery — and so confirmed the worst of Ostrogorski 's fears ; they sat on every local committee , raised money for the local party , decided the selection of candidates and kept their fingers firmly on the local pulse .
7 A more ambitious change sought to require complainants to present their cases orally to the magistrate , instead of through a written statement composed by an intermediary .
8 They began their discussions immediately at the airfield at 10 am and the conference was concluded by noon .
9 It yielded in turn to the peak or vernacular building , with a whole range of housing types carefully adapted to the varied needs and ambitions of their builders Probably for the first time , minor differentiations in social rank had a lasting impact on architectural development in Sussex .
10 and roll their syllables lovingly on the tongue .
11 In addition , junior psychiatrists should be able to get adequate experience of the care of attempted suicide patients to improve their skills both in the management of patients with psychosocial problems and , in particular , the evaluation of suicide risk .
12 You get the impression Ruud and Marco could have taken their skills anywhere in the world , found success and made a few friends as well .
13 With their hats already in the ring are Sue Baring ( Liberal Democrat ) , Jim Phillips ( Labour ) and Ian Foster ( Green Party ) .
14 At the highest level of society there were the names given to the great tenants-in-chief who held their estates directly of the Conqueror , and it must be remembered that if these magnates were already powerful in their own country they may even have brought locative bynames with them , as was the case of William de Moyon already mentioned .
15 This means that it is possible to follow their activities closely over the 2 year period of the project .
16 Tropical waterlilies normally hold their blooms well above the water surface adding to the grace and elegance of this group of plants .
17 unless you 've got , yes , but unless you 've got excellent erm er transport services people will stick to their cars purely for the convenience .
18 About half a dozen employees decided not to relocate their homes immediately at the time of the company 's move south , but to relocate in the following year .
19 They fall into two categories : people who own their own houses , the vast majority of whom have purchased their homes recently from the Housing Executive , and people who are Housing Executive tenants and require special adaptations .
20 Although the thinking behind the switch was unclear , foreign currency experts believe institutions are anxious to square their books ahead of the election , fearing that , whatever the outcome , the next government will adopt narrow bands for sterling .
21 All of them met their husbands here at the lodge . ’
22 Those that lived on relatively well watered islands where there was ground vegetation to be cropped , had a gently curving front edge to their shells just above the neck .
23 ‘ I offer these with their privileges freely to the diocese of Durham .
24 Lazily , she stretched and smiled , letting her somnolent gaze drift over the procession of reeds and gnarled trees that dipped their branches low into the water .
25 Politicians , who appeared on our doorsteps like snowdrops nodding their heads wisely in the cold seasonal winds , have disappeared as promptly with the warmer weather .
26 Note how they hold their heads high above the surface .
27 Dinosaurs , as well as growing taller , developed a more pronounced downflex to lower their heads closer to the ground for better cropping techniques .
28 When the execution was carried out in the Fort of Penha de França , the people of Madeira showed their disgust by turning their heads away from the fort whenever they passed it .
29 One is a 1,200m carpet of flowers planted in spring with 250,000 blue , yellow and white pansies nodding their heads vigorously in the slightest breeze .
30 Hearing from that individual , to his great concern , of the impending calamity , Captain Cuttle , in his delicacy , sheered off again confounded ; merely handing in the nosegay as a small mark of his solicitude , and leaving his respectful compliments for the family in general , which he accompanied with an expression of his hope that they would lay their heads well to the wind under existing circumstances , and a friendly intimation that he would " look up again " tomorrow(2) .
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