Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To men like this , we say : ‘ These black leaders are risking their necks to hold back violence , to stave off war .
2 The Nayar case also illustrates my earlier comments on the anthropologists ' use of the term " society " and of their attempts to set up typologies of societies of various kinds .
3 Knots of office workers in various poses hid the bar , girls in high-heeled shoes and heavy make-up , men in cheap suits and loud ties : only the glasses hanging suspended in a rack above their heads indicated where drinks were being dispensed .
4 Their eyes have both rods and cones , their colour vision is , for the most part , excellent and their body colours are accordingly vivid and various .
5 Fix it for someone who does n't love the Scum to present and commentate on Manc of the Day , Alan Hanson 's brilliant but the rest seem to have their noses burried up Alex Fergusons behind or even Eric the Fleds .
6 The cast of Her Benny , the dancers in their beautiful costumes , the steel band , the police and dogs , the schoolboys who were a credit to their schools showing how football used to be played just for the game .
7 Once their children are old enough they migrate to town and with their savings start up businesses , often forming a syndicate with other women .
8 Four baby elephants are trundling along the dry ground in the blazing African sun , their feet brushing up clouds of dust .
9 Alpacas gave wool and meat and their feet do not impact and damage the soil as cows ' hooves do .
10 Interestingly , 39 respondents said that their companies gave out emergency treatment kits to protect against non-sexual transmission of HIV but only six said that their companies gave out condoms to protect against sexual transmission .
11 Interestingly , 39 respondents said that their companies gave out emergency treatment kits to protect against non-sexual transmission of HIV but only six said that their companies gave out condoms to protect against sexual transmission .
12 Last year their imports cost nearly $10 billion ; their exports brought in just over $1 billion .
13 LOOTERS are risking their lives scrambling down cliffs to strip a wrecked ship .
14 Many officers resigned their commissions to take up jobs with the new company .
15 It was called Frag , and it would be giving off enough psychochemical fragrance into their nostrils to keep there minds dislocated for a week .
16 The girls were wired up so that the current lit up their cockades and enabled their swords to give off sparks as they fenced .
17 Outside a corner teahouse long-eared donkeys gazed mournfully through the windows at their owners chatting over breakfasts of tea and beans and tobacco .
18 Some of these , such as Charles Worsley who controlled the north-west of the country , paid special attention to their moral duties and were untiring in their efforts to close down brothels , gaming-houses , and unlicensed ale-houses , and to prevent a whole range of popular recreations , including horse-racing , cock-fighting , and bear-baiting .
19 When , ultimately , they fail in their efforts to give up drink or drug use , they become exceedingly fearful and ashamed and may even believe themselves to be insane .
20 OFFICERS at Darlington Council have been congratulated on their efforts to carry out service quality initiatives agreed last year .
21 For journalists like him , and others who had made their names digging out scandals such as Poulson , Jeremy Thorpe , Thalidomide , and police corruption , or by trying to engage the sympathy of the nation and the government for the oppressed in society , life was becoming more and more difficult .
22 Would the soil in their bodies pass on germs ?
23 Young players slow down as their bodies put on weight … especially thin little shits like Sharpe .
24 You could see them squatting on their hams silhouetted around bonfires ; sometimes one of the figures would throw a lump of dried buffalo-dung on to the flames .
25 During the Second World War , many of the world 's armies were in foreign lands , and countries had to send music and entertainment to their forces to keep up morale .
26 Some furniture is available ( IKEA , a Swedish firm , has opened up nearby ) but the supply of English-speaking secretaries exceeds demand , so their salaries stay around $400 a month .
27 From Scotland Yard , Nigel Cramer and six officers set off in two patrol cars , their sirens howling up Whitehall and down the Mall to pick up Park Lane and the road north out of London .
28 In the late 1980s a direct communications link was established between the SES and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation to enable Singapore investors to diversify their portfolios to include both US and European stocks .
29 Today , most high street shops use photographs of their clothes to win over customers but in the early Seventies , the concept was startlingly new and original and Jane 's work was highly acclaimed by other professionals .
30 Their hosts drew up chairs on the other ; the one who was apparently the senior of the two said , ‘ Julia , I think we could manage some more coffee … ’
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