Example sentences of "their [noun sg] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In short , their transgression was motivated by false consciousness .
2 I an sure that M Chuilon ( May ) and other admirers of Mattia Battistini will be interested to learn that their enthusiasm was shared by the great hatchet man of music himself , Kaikhosru Sorabji .
3 Both men particularly loved medieval art , admiring the rich decoration and painstaking labour it involved , and their enthusiasm was shared by the Pre-Raphaelite group of painters with whom they were closely associated .
4 During the Becket quarrel , when their support was split between king and archbishop , their crucial and ambivalent position was shown .
5 On the other side , extreme animal liberationists for their part were occupied with extending the very demanding current conception of individual human rights to cover individual animals .
6 The fifth strand in their story is seen in the clear conversions to Christ that result .
7 Their hair was entwined with golden cords , and their dresses , richly embroidered with beads , pearls and precious metals , flowed almost to the ground .
8 The adequacy of their assessment was investigated by having independent judges make ratings of transcripts from audio-tape recordings of their assessment interviews .
9 … they differed in the colour of their skin from all the people of our habitable world , for the whole surface of their skin was tinged With a green colour .
10 Their wickedness was emphasised by several large posters detailing the dangers of both active and passive smoking .
11 Their finding was corroborated in our series of patients .
12 Border emerged from that verbal fracas with a flea in his ear from Australian officials , but their patience is said to be wearing thin .
13 High schools are paid for by the prefecture , but their curriculum is vetted by the capital .
14 Their hope is to succeed as the consolidator of post-Thatcherism after the fourth election win .
15 It was no use expecting Sien to be able to understand books or art , but then their attachment was based on something else , on reality , of which books and art were only a part .
16 Naming rape victims without their permission is thought to be a bad thing .
17 The gap between the ride and the swamp was a different matter , for if the children were attempting that route their progress was bound to be slow .
18 Their progress was hampered by the vast crowds and the cars that thronged what would normally have been a clear area but people soon scattered from their path as with lights flashing and sirens wailing they forged ahead .
19 Their function is to act as a ‘ buffer ’ between the rest of the monetary sector and the Bank of England .
20 This assumption that the productive and educated parts of society were too valuable to be squandered in battle , that their function was to pay for wars not to fight them , was almost universally accepted .
21 Much of their success lies in their skills in social manipulation whereby their rise is assisted by partners whose status and mating success likewise improves .
22 These eerie coincidences are very impressive when they happen to us or to one of our friends , but their improbability is measured in only picodealions .
23 That this was true for NVALA supporters generally and not just for their figurehead is shown by the large correspondence the programme generated within the Association .
24 Whereas in Out a single dominant ideology acts as a structuring device on a wide variety of discourses in the society portrayed , in Such two discourses are selected and their interaction is staged within the mind of the protagonist .
25 Their presence is explained in an appeal of 1548 to retain both churches : ‘ The town of Henley is severed from the Parish Church with a brook which in winter so riseth that none may pass over it without danger of perishing . ’
26 Although the two are not regarded in London as senior Conservative strategists , their presence was resented by the Clinton camp .
27 ( They were to remain in use for that purpose until the reception of casuals was finally discontinued on November 7th 1949 , when their presence was represented as a deterrent to the recruitment of nurses and a hindrance to the upgrading of what had become the North Wing of Bedford General Hospital .
28 The large number of foot-soldiers suggests either that they were mercenaries , or that their presence was accounted for by a surviving obligation under the ban .
29 However , unless the pond is clear , the darker colour of the Orfe will not be seen , with their presence being shown by occasional splashes on the surface at feeding time .
30 TWO Hampshire campers were treated in hospital after their tent was destroyed by fire at a site in Scotland .
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