Example sentences of "their [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Devotees remain blind to elementary pitfalls of research design in their enthusiasm to prove the treatment 's efficacy .
2 The small group of riders spied them and altered their course to meet the patrol .
3 Its findings reveal that although we 're aware that the sun causes skin cancer and premature wrinkling , more than half of those interviewed admitted that they will risk burning their skin to get a tan .
4 If your experiment involves other people ( e.g. if you are comparing different readers ' responses ) , you need to consider ethical issues which arise , including ( a ) getting their permission to use the results ; ( b ) showing them the results and explaining them ; ( c ) not using their names when you report the experiment ( even if they have given permission for this , there is unlikely to be any point ) ; ( d ) the ethical problem that sometimes an experiment is best conducted if the test subjects do n't know what it is for ; that is , if there is a " secret agenda " .
5 From Wimpey Homes to Dr A.J. Watson stating that they regretted their inability to level the area of open space and provide some form of play equipment at Baberton Mains .
6 Economists have been widely criticised , with some justification , for their inability to forecast the depth of the current recession .
7 Their ability to contain or manage the conflict when this has threatened to engulf them as well as the regional contestants , for example in 1967 and 1973 , contrasts sharply with their inability to transact a peace process which transcends their own rivalry in order to resolve the conflict .
8 The powerlessness of the poor , their inability to influence the distribution of life-chances and rewards , helps to explain their poverty ( Miliband , 1974 ; MacGregor , 1981 ) .
9 One week several AEs were sacked from DPR for their inability to convey the concept of financial futures .
10 In March 1958 , after seven years of marriage , the Shah and Queen Soraya were divorced , largely because of their inability to have a child together .
11 Morrisons and Presto supermarkets are also doing their bit to help the people of Kostroma by leaving trolleys for shoppers to put tins of food in .
12 GARDENERS , cinemagoers , parents , Nintendo fanatics and New Women are all doing their bit to keep the profits rolling in at Emap , publisher of a huge range of consumer mags and newspapers .
13 Teachers , it was felt , were the guardians of a politically free curriculum : if they lost their entitlement to control the learning experiences of pupils , not only would their own professionalism be undermined , but , worse , schools could easily become the agents for transmitting ‘ state-approved knowledge ’ .
14 Commuters switched their route to avoid the inconvenience of slowing down .
15 ’ They never have any trouble with their parents most of them are too wrapped up in their work and their money to take an interest in what their children are doing anyway .
16 Within three months in Calcutta , all their money to last a year had gone .
17 Very few could produce the cash to cover the cost of building a new house , and from the 1770s they started clubbing together to pool their money to buy a plot of land and pay a builder to erect houses on it .
18 About two dozen have been given the chance to return to Middlebrook Mushrooms , Whitley Farm , near Selby , North Yorks , days after they lost their fight to take the firm to a tribunal .
19 But protestors vowed to continue their fight to close the plant .
20 Colleagues , I gave you twelve thousand eight hundred and twelve reasons for you not only to support by raising your hands , but by actively supporting your fellow members in their fight to retain the Wages Councils and to guard and protect their wages .
21 They lost their fight to prevent the war , but never their desire for peace .
22 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
23 It becomes their responsibility to release the pressure and tension within you .
24 Health professionals need to move beyond the traditional view of adoption as the province of social workers and recognise their responsibility to promote the wellbeing of everyone involved in the adoption process .
25 We do not want them to inherit all our problems when it is their responsibility to create the wealth and care for the increased number of elderly and aged people in this country .
26 The sooner politicians on both sides accept their responsibility to find a compromise way forward — and stick at it until they succeed — the sooner that threat will be lifted .
27 As there is no dinner served at Eagle House , it is quite usual for John and Rosamund to find their guests dinner bookings , and they consider it their responsibility to find an eating establishment to suit the purse and palate of each guest .
28 The governor had moved his guests back from the illuminated pedestal to show the line and glazing of the Ming vase to its best advantage , and because he had turned his head in their direction to explain a point , he did n't see the gibbon streak across the marble floor on all fours .
29 The Mitchells coppice their woodland to earn a living .
30 The other is dominated by workers with few skills , other than their willingness to work the hours required by their employers .
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