Example sentences of "their [noun] and [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 A local feudal family , the Balšići , seized their opportunity and established themselves as rulers of Zeta .
2 Acknowledge their existence and tell yourself that you will think about them later — then let them go .
3 I ask the children to bend their knees and lower themselves and then stand up .
4 Explaining why the authorities changed their mind and committed themselves to the transfer of land is a prime difficulty in the history of the emancipation .
5 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
6 In cultures the world over , women ( and in many cultures , men too ) have made their skin silky by bathing in oils , scented themselves with delicious perfumes , draped themselves in satin , velvet , silk and feathers , braided , brushed or oiled their hair , painted their lips and darkened their eyes and weighted themselves with gold and silver , or heavy ornaments .
7 It seems a couple of them came out here a time or two , asked a few questions , shrugged their shoulders and took themselves off . ’
8 In South Africa , you might think just about everyone owns a Rottweiler — especially if you read the small ads in the papers , where owners lament their loss and sign themselves ‘ Devastated Rotty Lover ’ .
9 However , if a starfish approaches , queen scallops flap their shells and dance away , while spiny cockles extend their feet and flick themselves away .
10 In the novel , humans keep animals to demonstrate their empathy and differentiate themselves from the robots , but the irony is that radiation has killed off almost all real species , and the goats , horses and sheep which people keep are electric androids as well .
11 It was indeed amazing that the geese did not cackle ; that so many young people held their peace and denied themselves the self-importance of being known to possess a supreme secret .
12 Both these books are very similar , their main themes are the same ; that with the support and love of other women they overcame their oppressors and emancipate themselves .
13 Then , with the approval of Rosanne — by then Mrs Mansell — he sold their home and bought himself some more races .
14 Many blind people struggle to pay their bills and provide themselves with the necessities of life .
15 They have lost heart , stashed away their manuscripts and told themselves they were never really writers anyway .
16 Ace and Petion slipped off the safety catches on their automatics and pressed themselves in close to the walls , ready to spring .
17 The mandarins behind them , who all carried mirror wands like the emperor 's , followed their lead and stretched themselves full length on the flagstones of the courtyard .
18 He 'd locked himself in their room and drunk himself insensible .
19 She is never entirely comfortable until she has surveyed those before her , put them mentally in their places and seen herself rise to the top in doing so .
20 Individual members of society were encouraged to work to the best of their abilities and improve themselves , and a translation of Samuel Smiles , Self Help became a bestseller .
21 Naturally enough , those who commit crimes will tend to conceal their actions and protect themselves .
22 In London , the Charity Organization Society ( COS ) did pioneer work in developing a casework approach to the families who came to it for aid , helping them to solve their problems and help themselves rather than become dependent on charitable funds .
23 Some fat women are positive about their bodies and consider themselves powerful , beautiful , sexual , voluptuous and juicy , but many more of us internalise all the negative messages we receive about fat ( clumsy .
24 They indicate that their holders identify with their society and hold themselves to be under an obligation to obey the law which they regard as expressing that attitude .
25 He and Catherine took their leave and crammed themselves again into the rickety lift .
26 On the bank , the trumpet twittered again , and the water became full of spray and hurtling bodies as shoremen left their attack and threw themselves back on the sand .
27 Both organizations gave an undertaking to curb violence among their members and committed themselves to political tolerance and freedom of political activity , recognizing the other 's right to exist " with its own policies and programmes " .
28 During the course of the action , they inflicted heavy casualties on their attackers and revealed themselves to be fierce and resourceful fighters — not amateurs , but professionals of a skill comparable to that of their Roman adversaries .
29 State officials are dependent upon capitalist economic development and growth if they are going to be able to pursue their interests and sustain themselves in office , so they are constrained to act in the interests of capital , although not necessarily in its optimal interests ( Offe , 1984 ) .
30 The two biffos would have come sneaking through the door , rubbing their hands and telling themselves they 'd got me by the balls , and I 'd have pointed the extinguisher and put out their fire .
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