Example sentences of "their [noun] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Forty years later the Italians , in another unprovoked attack , used poison gas to ensure victory and shot many of their prisoners out of hand .
2 Members of the political élite may give a president their support out of friendship or because they find him to be a likeable person .
3 They have played their part well in industry And in other directions and have also contributed largely on the National Savings Schemes .
4 Twelve other members will continue their course through to Lent this year .
5 Young and old let their hair down at Hogmanay
6 He would give them the benefit of his theories that letting their hair down at pop concerts and football matches would be a therapeutic and profitable use of their leisure time .
7 It is known that youths grew their hair long in preparation for a ritual offering of a lock of hair to the deity .
8 But it will not do just to dismiss the evidence of their experience out of hand .
9 Some pundits believe British designers may be forced to take their talents abroad in order to survive .
10 During the last fifty years the church musician as a kind of freelance ‘ general practitioner ’ has been increasingly replaced by those who derive their livelihood more as school music teachers than from their appointment as parish organists .
11 In 1857 , however , the state had started encouraging the creation of private joint-stock companies for the construction of railways , with the result that investors had taken their money out of state banks and put it into railway-building .
12 They made their money out of sugar and slaves and then moved here and made a fine place of the house .
13 International investors continued to switch their money out of sterling because they expect the Government to slash interest rates .
14 The make-believe pomp and affected circumstance of the people for whom they 'd been built , the doctors and lawyers and merchants and administrators of Empire who all , in one way or another , made their money out of trade but built houses like miniature castles , or palaces , to reassure themselves that they were closer to the Barons than lo the Peasants , and safe from both .
15 In the nineteenth century , the upper class comprised the traditional landed aristocracy , but it was an aristocracy that had absorbed largely if not wholly the new men of wealth who had made their money out of trade and industry .
16 In the event , they rose from their seats , booed and shuffled out to the box-office , where they demanded their money back without success .
17 They 're for those upper-class twits who turn up halfway through seminars and who never bother to get their essays in on time .
18 The scheme is intended to help buyers identify products which are least harmful to the environment and relies on manufacturers voluntarily putting their products forward for assessment .
19 Several air missions returning with their bombs still in place , much to the frustration of the pilots .
20 However , in case you think it 's that simple , terminal bonuses , supposedly surplus profits earned from investments in previous years , have varied in their direction simultaneously from life office to life office .
21 Although both men were forced to modify their opinions later in life , initially they held the extreme ‘ nominalist ’ and ‘ essentialist ’ positions .
22 People with bright ideas must not only carry their opinions out of politics and into the research institutions , but must regularly move back the opposite way when the call comes .
23 The sound man struggles for a couple of numbers to actually pull their frequencies back to earth .
24 The geese arrived with a bow wave that surged over the nomes ' feet , and arched their necks down towards Shrub .
25 ‘ I agree totally that where fixtures are moved to another day , supporters should be given plenty of notice so they can make their plans well in advance .
26 Tightening the butterfly nuts on these magnet limpets broke the glass phials , so setting chemical time-fuses ( see Appendix 3 ) before the raiders turned their canoe back to sea on a reciprocal course for the motor launch .
27 ‘ For most of the past three years , ’ he writes , ‘ banks ' customers have been unable to service their debts out of income growth , with the result that many have been and will be forced to shrink their non-interest expenditures or sell assets in order to pay bank interest .
28 City got their winner just after half-time .
29 Oldham equalised through David Betts and Micky Bartholomew grabbed their winner soon after half-time .
30 Workers spend almost all their income directly on consumption , so that their main weapons — withdrawing their labour or creating social disruption — immediately imply adverse consequences for their living standards and families ( Crouch , 1984a ) .
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