Example sentences of "their [noun] [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , few of their contemporaries can get the range and quality of tunes from the classic bass , guitars and drums line-up .
2 This competition made conflicts more likely and meant that in any conflict rival groups of Indians would be involved ; those who traded with the French would support them , and their enemies would support the British , so that Indian skirmishing inland played a larger part in the fighting of the 1740s than in previous wars .
3 Their chairman would have the support of both the Secretary of State and the LEA in discouraging , and ultimately forbidding , discussion of the performance of an individual pupil or teacher at an annual parents ' meeting .
4 Such pupils are relatively expensive to educate , their presence may make the school less attractive to prospective parents , and they may depress the schools ' overall attainment scores on standardised tests .
5 You can not expect them to fight for you but their presence may deter the less determined thug .
6 Sherwood Computer Services Plc has taken on 34 key staff previously employed by Premier Systems ( London ) Plc , which has ceased trading ; finance director Charles Taylor said Sherwood had known the Oracle house quite well before trouble hit , and would gaining expertise in open systems development , support and consultancy ; Premier specialised in systems for large City investment and financial customers ; the staff will be completely integrated into Sherwood 's London headquarters , forming a separate unit within it , and their skills will complement the September 1992 acquisition of Consort Data Ltd ( CI No 2,017 ) ; Leicester-based Consort does back office systems for smaller than average regional brokers , so Sherwood can now look after both ends of the market ; it is keen to win over Premier 's former customer base , and expects to sign a number of new contracts shortly ; the group is looking at buying Premier 's assets when a liquidator is appointed .
7 They are speaking up for themselves and expecting , rightly , that they will be listened to by staff and that their opinions will have the same validity as those of the next person .
8 Their award will allow the completion of three major schemes which will improve the appearance of land alongside the main East Coast railway .
9 Just as Wunis Abdulhadi was able to opt out among friends , but knew that in a conflict he could not walk down the street without danger of attack from Zuwaya , so ‘ the obligation to fight ’ arose from people 's perception that their opponents would assume the worst possible case — — that everyone who had a theoretical obligation to fight would do so .
10 They had 7 sons and , as schools in Canada had not attained an acceptable standard , the parents decided that their sons should have the benefit of Scottish education .
11 It is right and proper that the brewers and their designers should address the challenge represented by imported concepts .
12 Such a drug , he suggests , would be not unlike crack , and the poor shmucks who were n't UMC would love it , while those who 'd worked so hard for their privileges would despise the short-cut : you 're either UMC or you are n't , simulacra wo n't do .
13 Oh , yes , indeed , a close friend of mine has been working on the history of a very large British company and he 's just seen the proofs produced from the printers from the typescript which was typed in his own office , and apart from the fact that their computers can change the typefaces and improve the whole thing , the work has not had to be re-keyboarded , as they would say , re-typed in at all .
14 Oh yes , indeed , a close friend of mine has been working on a history of a very large British company and he 's just seen the proofs produced from the printers from the typescript which was typed in his own office , and apart from the fact that their computers can change the typefaces and improve the whole thing , the work has not had to be rekeyboarded , as they would say , retyped in , at all .
15 There are other heavier materials available on the market for that purpose which also , by definition , are not suitable as a floating cloche as their weight will crush the plants under them .
16 For them it may be right to say that no conceivable circumstance in their lives would change the nature of their convictions .
17 Soon a dozen or so hands were raised and after their names had been written down and details of what their duties would involve the meeting was brought to a close .
18 This became a forward base for the NPFL , and reports told of ships being diverted to Buchanan and their cargoes used to replenish the rebel supplies .
19 Other mechanisms must have played a part and their inclusion could alter the best-fit climate sensitivities significantly and lead to improved values for the explained variance .
20 He had a passion for the relics and believed their discovery would strengthen the Order .
21 He warned , however , that some of the ministers , and especially Henderson and Graham , would not accept such economies , and that their resignations would necessitate the resignation of the entire government .
22 As the ship began its return voyage to Europe , the British and French governments were informally sounded out to see if their countries might take the Jews .
23 As each of the three variables seemed to be related to risk of relapse , it followed that those living in high contact with high EE relatives and failing to maintain prophylactic medication should be at greatest risk of relapse , while those living with low EE relatives and continuing to take their medication should have the lowest risk .
24 Even those with the socalled minor wounds are taken out of the situation as their appearance can affect the morale of the others .
25 Exposure to hostile action by host governments might be substantially increased if the host governments believed that their nationals could run the plants .
26 For example , an investor might sell for 100p per share one week and if he or she has been proven correct in their expectations may buy the share for say 80p each the following week , thus netting a profit per share of 20p before transactions costs .
27 The consortium felt that suspending their initiative would encourage the debate to start again , he added .
28 Some companies feel that involving a factor results in their losing contact with their customers while others fear that their customers will take the appointment of a factor as a sign that they are in difficulties .
29 For it is coming to be understood that their departure will force the pace towards total fixity of exchange rates in the EMS .
30 For Asian women , separation from their families can cause the same torment .
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