Example sentences of "has also [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Coyle has also invited Irish League opposition and Derry will line out against Ballymena United on Saturday , July 31 and Crusaders on Saturday August 7 .
2 The British Government has also asked that south Yorkshire , Cornwall , Devon , and Mid Wales be considered for Objective 1 status , but they are not listed in the EC document .
3 , who joined us in May as national account manager , has also gained extensive experience in the food industry having spent a number of years working in technical and commercial roles with leading UK food and flavour manufacturers — being one of them .
4 This " Creole-influenced " variety of LE shows occasional grammatical and phonological influences of Creole and has also undergone some restructuring at the interactional level in the direction of Creole .
5 She has also lost all hope of repair , she does not believe that her lover will return .
6 Yielding to the phantom 's temptation to remove all power of memory from him , Redlaw finds that he has also lost all compassion and humanity , and infects all those with whom he comes into contact with a like insensibility .
7 Rita has also trained many KFA and League leaders in Medau , and she formed and trained the Medau National Display Team in 1974 .
8 MicroModule Systems has also developed accompanying software to test the substrates of the dye and the finished micromodule itself .
9 ICI has also developed specialised equipment , such as ‘ Cleanseal ’ and ‘ Cleanzone ’ , which can reduce solvent losses by up to 90 per cent , so minimising emissions to the environment .
10 The process of proletarianisation has also received some impetus from the spread of agribusiness in the region .
11 That 's because the engine of the Vogue LSE has also received some attention .
12 Stuart Caughey of Rolls Wood Group , Repair Division , has also joined Junior Chamber and is still in his probationary period .
13 It has also given legal effect to the judicial monitoring procedure , but there is no accountability of the Commissioner to Parliament despite the concern about this type of procedure which was raised in public after the Massiter affair .
14 Against all expectations , the BBC has also given live coverage to a number of select committee hearings , typically when they were dealing with issues currently in the news , such as the Chancellor of the Exchequer giving evidence to the Treasury and Civil Service Committee on the Autumn Statement .
15 At the same time , the Secretary of State has revealed his attitude to developments in his response to structure plan policies ; in many cases , while approving the general outline of the structure plans , he has also given more emphasis to permitting further development in rural areas and has substantially reduced the proposed limits for some green belts ( Elson 1981 ) .
16 Our colleague Mark Wheadon has also given valuable help .
17 Tideswell Dale has also seen some activity .
18 It could also be that for some of you 1988 has also seen some trouble , a bereavement perhaps , that has shaken you to the foundations .
19 The Sleepwalkers must be unrivalled as a scholarly history which has also aroused life-long interest in science among many youngsters .
20 There is no space here to examine this issue in detail , but it is at least a little odd that the work of such pragmatic theorists as Grice , Horn , Levinson and Sperber and Wilson , which has been successful in many areas and which has also cast serious doubt on speech-act-based approaches , is never mentioned in a book which explicitly claims the superiority of Austinian approaches .
21 The recognition of Saxon settlements , not under medieval villages but in open sites which were later abandoned , has also indicated that settlement patterns themselves have altered and the desertion of individual settlements within the pattern , even in quite recent times , means that settlement patterns are as dynamic and changing as the settlements themselves .
22 It has also adopted nuclear power as a solution to the greenhouse effect .
23 The recession has also hit industrial research income .
24 For one thing , ICI now scrubs the wastes clean and makes money on the products and has also made good use of heat previously going up the chimney stacks .
25 There therefore does n't seem to have been much of a change , and furthermore Smith ( 1983 ) in his text specifically entitled Recreation Geography has also followed this model , albeit in the modified form of the relationship between ‘ travel/resources ’ which he calls the two main branches of the tree of recreation geography .
26 The possession of salmon has also caused considerable acrimony between the two nations in times past , and the most infamous incident was the fish garth the English built across the River Esk , traditional boundary of England and Scotland , some time before 1474 .
27 It should finally be noted that it has also emerged that reliance on markets as a disciplinary device , and in particular on the market for control , is itself far from costless .
28 Evidence has also emerged that oil has entered the food chain after being ingested by fish such as salmon .
29 Moscow has also sought military access to port and air facilities in the Seychelles and built the Angolan port of Luanda into the main support facility for the Soviet Navy 's West Africa Patrol .
30 Mr Richards has also met Foreign Office minister Mark Lennox-Boyd to discuss the case .
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