Example sentences of "has an [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 A most useful dictionary ( although not called such ) for the country historian , a copy of which has an honoured place in the author 's library , is Old Country and Farming Words by James Britten ( The English Dialect Society , London 1880 ) .
2 Secondly , on defence , the Foreign Secretary made it clear that , although Europe has an increasing role in respect of threats outside the NATO area , the movements towards building up a European defence identity must not weaken NATO or confront the Americans with a single European view .
3 It 's a word that has an easy place in Justin 's conversation , and it 's pretty clear that , unlike most others in his profession , the wonderful world of show is where he basically sees himself being at .
4 As well as the P-trap , the three other common types are : the S-trap , which has an extra bend in it for when the final outlet is vertical rather than horizontal ; the running trap , a P-trap with horizontal inlet and outlet ; and the bottle trap which has a top entry and side outlet with a baffle inside to keep the bottle full .
5 has an extra whorl in it .
6 With the relaxed detachment of a man who has an implicit trust in his technology , Vologsky cast his eyes over the bewildering array of instruments which made up the control panel , taking note of the few facts he actually needed to know .
7 If we were to relax the requirement x i j = 0 or 1 to x i j > 0 , we would have a TP , but any TP has an optimal solution in integers and , in view of the constraints , this means x i j = 0 or 1 .
8 The second and third cytoplasmic loops of the receptor ( see Box 1 for details ) has an essential role in activating a member of the heterotrimeric G-protein family responsible for stimulating separate members of the PLC family ( Box 1 ) .
9 Opiates , particularly diamorphine , are better at relieving anxiety , but diamorphine has an additional advantage in that it is a vasodilator , it unloads the left ventricle and may help heart failure .
10 It has an additional significance in that it links science and ethics ; it unites theory and practice .
11 The film world still has an outdated generosity in its dealings with actors .
12 The Duke of Northumberland besides Alnwick Castle has an impressive property in London .
13 He has an impressive grounding in Western thought and argues that book-banning is an honorable part of the Western liberal tradition .
14 He has an effective slogan in asking the American people : Do you just want more of the same ?
15 DG has an invaluable asset in ‘ Dokumente ’ , a series devoted to top class individual artists of the recent past and today — Hungarians Foldes , Anda , Fricsay and Kodály ; Russians Markevitch , Richter and David Oistrakh , and the native Richard Strauss , Hindemith , Furtwängler , Böhm , Gieseking , Streich and the late lamented Fritz Wunderlich .
16 The vegetation cover has an insulating effect in spring , keeping the soil cool and humid and the level of permafrost high ( McCraw , 1960 ) .
17 This is one of the best Basque villages , twistier than others in its layout , and the home of the red pepper , a fiery vegetable that now has an annual festival in Espelette in the autumn .
18 The next question 's got to be to Kim , if only six pounds of his premium is buying units in , if he has an escalating plan in his first four years , what 's the other twenty four pounds going towards ?
19 Heseltine has an awesome reputation in Whitehall for generating loyalty and enthusiasm among his civil servants — he is , in fact , accorded the sort of political devotion from his mandarins that he should expect from his daughter .
20 Crosby , however , has an alternative choice in mind an out-of-work manager and will act when he returns with his players from an end of season holiday in Spain next week .
21 With nearly 300 years of insurance experience , SUN ALLIANCE is one of the largest and most experienced insurance groups in the UK , and has an unrivalled reputation in providing first-class insurance products .
22 An organisation has an uncertain existence in the sense that it is dependent upon the will of the member States , and third parties dealing with an organisation must take account of this reality .
23 Warming up has an ironic meaning in the tropics .
24 It satisfies to some extent the criteria for the recognition of Complicating Action : it has an actional verb in the simple past ( " fired " ) and generally has a " what happened " rather than " who , what , where " feel to it .
25 Evans Medical Limited already has an established reputation in the UK pharmaceutical market in biological products , generics and proprietary medicines .
26 It has an established record in the treatment of rectal cancer and is commonly used as adjuvant treatment after operation for Dukes B and C cancers .
27 ‘ Latin-ness ’ , and in particular ‘ Italian-ness ’ , has an established place in British pop culture as never before .
28 Restorative protocolectomy with construction of an ileal pouch-anal anastomosis has an established role in the surgical management of ulcerative colitis .
29 The lounge is comfortable and has an open fire in winter .
30 But from Ferrari 's point of view , this must have seemed like grave disrespect : if one legend runs a company , it has an inbuilt interest in creating accompanying , subsidiary legends .
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