Example sentences of "has make the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The award of the medal is accompanied by a cash prize and is normally made annually to the candidate who , in the opinion of Analytical Division Council , has made the greatest contribution , and whose work has made the most significant impact on any branch of analytical chemistry .
2 But it is in the area of conversational analysis that ethnomethodology has made the greatest contribution .
3 This year , footsteps have been spotted exiting from Cold Hole ( Fuar Tholl , Hard V ) , and I have n't heard who has made the second ascent , and it bugs me !
4 ‘ Your Grace has made the right decision , God be thanked ! ’
5 All that and Benn has made the grand gesture of giving his new WBC belt to his first conqueror , Michael Watson , who is slowly recovering after the brain damage he suffered against Eubank last year .
6 We are confident that the RIBA has made the best decision available to protect the future well being of the Journal .
7 It is all this research into stable fluorescent powders that has made the new compact fluorescents possible .
8 A pleasure steamer has made the first day trip down the Severn to the Devon coast for almost a century .
9 In addition to the third instalment on the Cuyp , the national gallery has made the first instalment on a Cranage painting .
10 The attention these centres have attracted has made the illegal trade in baby orangs hard , if not impossible .
11 For systems-oriented software such as data communications and systems-management products , the company has made the systems-based approach to pricing more flexible .
12 But many people will join John Bell in believing that Aspect 's experiment is as good as can be achieved , now that he has made the crucial move in introducing some time variation into the apparatus .
13 Joseph Hotung , the businessman collector from Hong Kong who has made the complete refurbishment of the gallery possible ( together with the Wolfson Foundation and the British government in their pound-for-pound funding arrangement launched in 1990 ) , is full of admiration for it .
14 ‘ Sellafield has made the Irish Sea the most radioactively contaminated stretch of water in the world .
15 John Zabriskie , who originally found that the blood toxin responsible for scarlet fever is made under the direction of a bacteriophage , is also a member of the team which has made the toxic-shock discovery .
16 John Prescott has made the clearest pitch for the left 's support by defending the ‘ old vision ’ of socialism .
17 The basic issue , which Mr Fallon has so far managed to avoid totally in discussing this matter , yet which has made the Catholic community and the county council so anxious and so frustrated , is whether this Government accepts that places in Catholic schools should be provided for Catholic pupils .
18 Fame has made the former rebel into a smug , uncommitted and corrupt member of the musical establishment .
19 John Baillie has made the further point that , in his detailed criticism of cyclical views of time , St Augustine was anxious to defend the doctrine of creation and particularly its corollary that ‘ through the creative power of God the course of events is characterized by the emergence of genuine novelty . ’
20 The commission , subject to parliamentary ratification , approves staffing levels in the National Audit Office ; as only one member of this commission is a minister , the Commons has made the National Audit Office remarkably independent of ministers .
21 But it is not just population displacement that has made the High Dam at Aswan such a controversial issue .
22 Professor Murray 's study was interesting , however , I must point out that the report has made the common error of calling schizophrenia a split personality .
23 Ardent royalist Dorothy Myers , a nurse of Rochdale , Lancs , said : ‘ That woman has made the Royal Family into a laughing stock . ’
24 Neither of these reports , however , has made the previous mistake of trying to set targets or deadlines for the eventual achievement of EMU .
25 All this is denied to him because he has made the irreversible decision to join up and his life will never be the same again .
26 Oxfordshire snooker star Tessa Davidson has made the big break into the game 's elite .
27 That is what has made the Tory policy of selling off council houses at prices advantageous to the tenants a much more electorally significant event than any of the plans for wider share ownership promoted or floated by Tory , Liberal Democrat or Labour politicians .
28 ‘ And she has made the same promise to me that I made to my mum and dad . ’
29 Lord Carrington 's view has been that premature recognition would be a mistake , and Mr. Cyrus Vance — the Secretary-General 's representative — has made the same point .
30 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , but neither has made the same impact as yet .
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