Example sentences of "has be given [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 CYCLOSPORIN-A , a drug that can prevent the body rejecting bone-marrow transplants , has been given a licence for general use in Britain .
2 There is an apple-tree up against the fence that separates them from their neighbours , but it has been given a kind of Buddhist monk 's haircut .
3 BG has been given a year to complete feasibility studies on the gas-fired scheme with an associated desalination plant which is geared to expected growth in demand for power and water .
4 Michaela has been given a minder since the Hacienda .
5 Two senior boys have expressed an interest in attending a course to enable them to participate more in the running of the club [ the J.G.V.A. has agreed to pay their fees ] a volunteer Diane Prior has joined the staff , Laura Brown has been given a date for mini bus driving test , two staff members have attended a Youth Work Conference for South West Edinburgh — G. Lightheart has ordered new equipment .
6 Two senior boys have expressed an interest in attending a course to enable them to participate more in the running of the club ( the J.G.V.A. has agreed to pay their fees ) a volunteer Diane Prior has joined the staff , Laura Brown has been given a date for mini bus driving test , two staff members have attended a Youth Work Conference for South West Edinburgh — G. Lightheart has ordered new equipment .
7 Since talking to me , she has been given a council house about fifteen miles from her family home , so at last she and Sean can get on with their lives together .
8 a splendid initiative and it 's similar to the way in which the district council is now devolving responsibility for public toilets , and I 'm delighted that local government reorganization has been given a bit of stir that districts and county councils to get their acts together .
9 But the tawdry image of urban renewal has been given a facelift and can now return , again with all the metaphoric power of seasonal fecundity .
10 A RESEARCH unit at the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education in Wrexham has been given a £130,000 boost by a funding body .
11 The first one relates to the child who broke into my car , I wo n't call him a child he 's a bloody toerag as far as I 'm concerned , who broke into my car has been given a caution , a bloody caution .
12 Locus Computing Corp has been given a grant by the US National Science Foundation to investigate system software optimised for networked portable computers .
13 Their development has been entrusted to the Countryside Commission , which has been given a grant of £600,000 to set up a co-ordinating committee for each forest .
14 WELSH athletics has been given a £25,000 grant towards the development of SportsHall Athletics .
15 The Cupertino , California-based MicroModule Systems Inc management buyout from Digital Equipment Corp ( CI No 1,993 ) has been given a $1.2m US Advanced Research Projects Agency subcontract to build a series of DEC Alpha RISC-based multichip modules using diamond substrates .
16 The Cupertino , California-based MicroModule Systems Inc management buyout from Digital Equipment Corp has been given a $1.2m US Advanced Research Projects Agency subcontract to build a series of DEC Alpha RISC-based multichip modules using diamond substrates .
17 The quality of service at Darlington town hall has been given a kick-start .
18 All endangered big game has been given a value so that poachers can be forced to pay compensation as well as serving up to six years in prison for killing the animals .
19 If an offender , even a very young offender , has been given the benefit and assistance of probation and has been given a community service order , what is the court to do when he comes back again and again and again ?
20 Malvern Hills college has been given a years notice to leave the buildings — but they 're hoping public support will make the council have a change of heart .
21 One approach that has been given a lot of importance is distinctive feature analysis , which is based on the principle that phonemes should be regarded not as independent and indivisible units , but instead as combinations of different features .
22 Mike , who has been given a car and a house by his new employers , has yet to see his new surroundings , and it will certainly be a journey into the unknown .
23 Sheffield 's Fidel Castro Smith has been given a reward for going so close to beating Henry Wharton in their exciting super-middleweight fight at Leeds United 's Elland Road this week .
24 Each key contrastive feature of grammar or phonology has been given a number in brackets ( [ F 1 ] , [ G 1 ] , etc. ) and these will be used elsewhere in the book when reference is made to these specific features of the language varieties in contact .
25 Ironically , at the eleventh hour the plight of the belugas has been given a boost by the success of whale-watching cruises in the St Lawrence .
26 WHEELCHAIR tennis has been given a boost in the province in the wake of a successful clinic which was staged at the CIYMS club in Belfast .
27 Soccer coaching for girls in Bristol has been given a boost from British Gas South Western .
28 The Foreign Office has been given a seat at the Natural Environment Research Council , which funds the BAS .
29 Bootle-born Shirli-Ann Siddall has been given a wildcard entry .
30 Leading fireman Trevor Stretch has been given a £150 cheque to help rally his specially equipped Lada 1300 , supplied by Lifestyle Garages of Braintree .
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