Example sentences of "has [vb pp] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Kahlo 's painting , the figure falls from the fantasy world she has inhabited to the harsh bloodspattered reality of the street , literally coming down to earth .
2 He is the real man as none other ; for he alone is man as God intends man to be ; he alone has travelled to the uttermost limits of the ‘ far country ’ of man 's estrangement ; and in him alone has the judgement been passed , carried out , and overcome to issue in reconciliation .
3 Deconstructionism has pointed to the inherent flaws in structuralism — that , for example , binary oppositions are not absolute , but are dependent on their social meaning — and has celebrated the idea of ‘ subjectivity ’ .
4 In a challenging analysis Hans Medick has pointed to the increasing output of gin as indicating greater working-class expenditure on leisure .
5 von Beyme ( 1980 ) has pointed to the potential influence of union size and pluralistic divisions upon the degree of union democracy .
6 Secondly , he has pointed to the expressive dimension of the reward system , in addition to its instrumental qualities .
7 Hubbard ( 1981 ) has pointed to the inbuilt sexist assumptions of much biology , while Lanser and Torton Beck ( 1979 ) have pointed to the exclusion of female writers and critics from syllabuses of English .
8 Much recent management research has pointed to the multi-dimensional objectives of large divisionalised companies where ownership is separated from management .
9 ANOTHER OF WAINWRIGHT 'S walks , Robin Hood 's Bay to St Bees , a 200 mile walk from coast to coast across England , has fallen to the conquering boots of Kevin Treacher .
10 The hope that a new Church of the poor has given to the impoverished masses of this region is the most significant political development in the region in recent decades .
11 May I say how welcome is the strong support that Great Britain has given to the Baltic states ?
12 Moscovici has referred to the second process by which social representations are produced as objectification .
13 I am a member of the Select Committee on Health and , as you know , the House has referred to the Select Committee on Privileges the important issue of the leaked report .
14 Isabel Emmett has referred to the formal and informal mechanisms of selection as the ‘ social filter in the leisure field ’ , allowing different groups access to different facilities , more or less easily .
15 Williams attempts to show that if we examined the commonplace idea of equality of opportunity thoroughly , we find ourselves carried down a sort of ‘ slippery slope ’ towards insisting that only if everybody has succeeded to the same degree can we be sure that there has been genuine equality of opportunity .
16 In this , the second annual report on our environmental activities , a range of examples are given to demonstrate how ICI has responded to the environmental challenge opposite each of our objectives .
17 The research will seek to show how the Council , originally set up in mid-nineteenth century when medical practice was greatly different from today , has responded to the changed circumstances .
18 AIR France has protested to the European Commission over alleged favouritism towards British Airways in recent takeover deals .
19 However , a number of United States courts have considered cases in which service has been effected by registered mail upon defendants in Japan , a state which has objected to the other modes of service listed in Article 10 but not to the use of the postal channel .
20 Hong Kong has objected to the proposed ban because its stockpile of 670 tonnes — the tusks of up to 75,000 elephants — is worth $134m , while at least 3,000 jobs in the colony depend on the ivory carving industry .
21 Firstly , it is a family archive covering the period since the thirteenth century ; secondly , the dukes of Norfolk have been Earls Marshal and Hereditary Marshals of England for many centuries ; and finally , as the family has adhered to the old religion , many documents have an important bearing on English ( Roman ) Catholic history .
22 A rough estimate of the amount of water that could have been entrained by this fireball is , where R is the radius of the fireball when its pressure has dropped to the ambient value ( several kilometres for a 10-Mton nuclear blast ) , and the density of atmospheric water vapour ( several times ) .
23 The nearest any western fighting technique has come to the eastern martial arts , is in the French art of ‘ la Savate ’ .
24 The eyes of his beloved wife , are tear-reddened ( sic ) and she has come to the awful realisation of a gap in her waning life which will never be filled .
25 For the past two years The Fellow , who is half a thoroughbred , half trotter , has come to the final fence with Europe 's classic steeplechase seemingly won , only to lose it by a whisker on the run-in .
26 More recent authority has come to the same conclusion : see Commercial Plastics Ltd v Vincent [ 1965 ] 1 QB 623 per Pearson LJ and Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 per Megaw LJ .
27 It is interesting that recent research has come to the same conclusions as Golding as to the usefulness of such modes of thought : The deployment of simile , underlexicalisation and metaphor thus makes a major contribution to the exposition of the novel 's thematic concern with the linked development of thought and language in the people .
28 DECADENCE has come to the Third Rome .
29 ‘ On the question of whether the material which has been made available is sufficient to justify the initiation of a prosecution against Patrick Ryan he ( Mr Barnes ) has come to the clear conclusion that it is not sufficient for that purpose and that a prosecution would not be justified , ’ the statement said .
30 ‘ We all feared this might happen and now it has come to the worst , ’ said one church-goer arriving for the service .
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