Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Violent rioting has broken out in the camps many times in recent weeks .
2 Can the party really survive much more of the rancour that has broken out in the past few days over Labour 's tax policy ?
3 While skirmishing has started in the Senate , which will not consider the economic plan for a few weeks , something like open warfare has broken out in the House .
4 Anyone whose car has broken down in the middle of nowhere will appreciate the value of belonging to a motoring organisation that 'll come to the rescue at any time of the day or night .
5 In fact , as Stephen Gallup has pointed out in a recent history of the festival , Karajan was the last surviving link with the traditions of the festival 's founding fathers .
6 As Dr Geoffrey Tresise , Keeper of Geology , Merseyside County Museum , has pointed out in a series of articles for the trade magazine Wine & Spirit , there is no physical or chemical property of Belemnite chalk which makes it either superior or inferior to Micraster for viticultural purposes and the grand cru towns of the northerly Montagne adequately demonstrate this .
7 Peter Daley of Waste Management International has pointed out in a lecture to Britain 's Royal Academy of Engineering that landfills , at the present rate of waste generation in Europe , use about two square metres of land per person per century .
8 As Jonathan Zeitlin has pointed out in a similar context , there are ways in which the product of an industry can affect the margin of manoeuvre of both employer and trade union .
9 Now , as John Bowker has pointed out in the first article in this series , ‘ to say that God is not affected by His creatures is not to say that He takes no interest in them ’ , nor that , seen from our viewpoint as creatures in time and space , God can not do one thing at one moment and something apparently quite different the next .
10 The right hon. Gentleman has pointed out in the House that nearly 50 per cent .
11 ( 3 ) Your house has come up in a random sample of houses in this area and , if you are a full-time housewife , we would like you to tell us about your working day since ( 4 ) we believe that a survey of this subject would be of great value in helping all housewives .
12 The closure problem has come through in the appearance of another function F in the equation for E ; F is related to the Fourier transform of the triple correlation .
13 THE time has come round in the European Commission 's calendar ( see page 5 ) when another set of committee meetings will set out to define yet another ‘ framework ’ programme , the commission 's name for the programmes of largely applied research which it plans and administers on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) .
14 The third point which has come out in a number erm of comments , certainly from the C P R E is the issue of overshoots in the approved structure plan in respect to Greater York , and as we made clear in paragraph eight of our er erm position statement , we accept that there has been in numeric terms in the period eighty one to ninety two something like fifteen percent overshoot in terms of completions er in that period .
15 Because most of what I have said is fair m most of the case that I wish to put er has come out in the discussion that there has just been .
16 Though I suppose one has to make a passing one has to make a passing er reference to the information which has come out in the other house erm and be publicised this weekend in the press but er er at one million almost one million a slug , M E Ps do n't come cheap , er I suppose one however would want to make allowances for the fact that they have three parliamentary buildings , that they have to go on trips and that er they have to pay er er I suppose German rates for their bureaucracy so there clearly are exceptional factors and indeed I would n't want to make too much of that .
17 Kelman 's work forms part of a flowering of talent which has come about in the urban Scotland of the last few years .
18 This is not to undervalue the change in judicial thinking which has come about in the last 30 years .
19 I can inform the Secretary of State straight away that there is a much more immediate cause seriously impairing ’ the ability of the Agency to deliver a proper service ’ and that is the swingeing cuts in staff numbers of up to one third in each local office that the Secretary of State has carried through in the past two years under the operational strategy .
20 The relentless pace of internationalisation in the economy has speeded up in the 1980s .
21 Eddie McNally has won through in the men 's singles Section A with wins over G Byrne 21–15 and Richard Neilson whom he beat 21–14 to face the experienced Tommy Hopper .
22 The new generation has grown up in a continuation of that climate , one of falsity and evasion .
23 These examples may seem to be somewhat removed from the experience of a child who has grown up in an inner-city slum .
24 Meconium is the foal 's faecal material that has built up in the rectum before foaling and sometimes gets quite firm and impacted and must be passed within the first 24-hours of life .
25 Another slight problem is that when the filters are cleaned , much of the bacteria colony that has built up in the foam could be washed away .
26 Spring-cleaning , repainting and clearing out cupboards can all be good ways of dispelling any unpleasant or heavy atmosphere that has built up in the home .
27 It has shot up in the recent hot sun , while the grass at the city 's other cemeteries has been burned off .
28 I 've got one friend who has written down in a diary every person he 's ever re arrested , I do n't do that , I just , I , I ca n't be bothered to write it all down .
29 Wanchai used to be the hostess-bar district , but it has moved up in the world and is now home to one of the colony 's classiest new hotels , The Grand Hyatt ( ) .
30 D J Long , the vice-president of marketing who left Applix Inc two weeks ago , has turned up in a similar capacity at Rosh Intelligent Systems Inc , the Aurum-like turnaround former Uniplex chief Jeff Waxman is now heading up .
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