Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [pers pn] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Secretary of State not accept that our valley councils have lost more in rate support grant over the past 10 years than he has given them in new money in the latest package ?
2 However , even if they do not make the play-offs , the Chiefs have achieved a degree of respectability that has eluded them in past seasons .
3 Defender Ian Harold starts a three-match ban , while player-boss John Carroll is again doubtful with the Achilles injury that has sidelined him in recent games .
4 It is not clear if the Government 's tactics over the last few days are typical of the muddle that has beset it in recent months or if it is deliberately designed to throw its opponents into confusion .
5 Brook has not simply plonked the cameras in front of his original production : he has re-conceived it in filmic terms , making obvious concessions to cinematic literalism while retaining the sense of wonder .
6 Wharton , right , says his new hobby , golf , has got him in par-fect shape to slug O'Toole — now known as Fidel Castro — and grab title glory at Elland Road later this month .
7 They could be joint bottom tomorrow if things go wrong and I know all about the Forest jinx that has haunted them in recent years .
8 This has put us in good heart for Leicestershire . ’
9 ANNIE LENNOX 'S Spanish holiday has left her in bad spirits after discovering her villa was haunted .
10 His subsequent career in equipment and clothing has kept him in close touch with needs , and there is no PE jargon in his down-to-earth advice .
11 I believe that it was a good inheritance , and one that has stood me in good stead all my life .
12 In essence , what has stood me in good stead all these years in broadcasting is spotting good people and waiting for them to come forward with what interests them ; what obsessions , what passions they have in translating those into programmes .
13 It is not the only time my profound knowledge of football has stood me in good stead .
14 Conran is convinced , too , that his experience of manufacturing in the early days has stood him in good stead as head of a retailing empire .
15 His background with the round ball has stood him in good stead in becoming one of the country 's leading goal-kickers .
16 It has stood her in good stead , for she has had to deal with very serious health problems and has never allowed these to depress or hinder her .
17 What we were talking about , or what I think is interesting is your experience from your early days in horse shoeing has stood you in good stead for the revival of interest in driving erm if you 'd like to tell us a bit more about that I 'd love to hear it cos I 'm never tired of that .
18 It is much more geared to the administration of personnel records than was the bureau system but the experience we gained using the bureau has stood us in good stead for our own system .
19 ‘ As we had maintained our large weighting in overseas equities and cash throughout the period of UK membership of the ERM , this cautious perception of the political and economic risks being run has stood us in good stead . ’
20 The most likely scenario is that we will continue to see a surge of Ketamine experimentation fuelled by sensationalist media articles and the renewed enthusiasm for quasi-psychedelics prompted by Ecstasy that has overtaken us in recent years .
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