Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This accursed recession has blinded us to the fact that we are well placed , vis-a-vis our competitors in Europe , to create wealth .
2 The fact that a person against whom an order is sought has received nothing under the transaction resulting from or , as the case may be , constituting the contravention may be relevant to discretion but is not , in my judgment , relevant to the power of the court to make the order .
3 As far as I know , the Canadian Rugby Union has received nothing for the development , or even the maintenance , of our cash-strapped programme .
4 And my son has received none of the two hundred and eight
5 For instance it is offering a number of parallel application development packages — Linda , Express and PVM — alongside the AIX Parallel Environment Software that the company has developed itself for the SP1 .
6 At one extreme is the person who starts a diet every morning and has broken it by the evening .
7 But no-one has dismissed it as a rogue poll .
8 At p596 Stamp J asked the rhetorical question : … how can a British Income Tax Act impute to a foreign resident " for the purposes of " that Act an income of which the foreigner has divested himself under the foreign law and which in his hands is altogether outside all the provisions of the Income Tax Act ?
9 That play has as an epigraph a Christian equivalent of the escape through ‘ Shantih ’ from the cycles of creation : ‘ Hence the soul can not be possessed of the divine union , until it has divested itself of the love of created beings . ’
10 Anyone who has enrolled himself as a disciple of Jesus will want to study the Gospels to discover his teaching about prayer .
11 When that news hits him , the narrator seems to crumble , even though a premonitory dream the night before has readied him for the shock .
12 One example in Torquay , Devon , has proven itself over a few years .
13 For a long time it has been content with this unchanging splendour but more recently it has treated itself to a quartier in the most modern style , complete with a magnificent new concert hall , the Corum ( which unfortunately appears to have been built on ground that it is less than stable ) .
14 No yes Mr Singe is dedicated to the fewcher of Athletes Whaddon and to proove it has prezented me with a BLANK czech for £53–24p only , which is at my dispozal for strainthning the squid .
15 MR JOHN MacGregor , the Education Secretary , has distanced himself from the Government 's loans scheme for students by appointing the two most junior ministers at the Department of Education and Science to sit on the parliamentary committee discussing the Education ( Student Loans ) Bill .
16 As a divorcee , Docherty can no longer take communion and has distanced himself from the catholic faith , an institution he believes deserted him in his hour of need .
17 ( By stepping back as he blocks , he doubly protects himself : even if the block fails , he has distanced himself from the oncoming punch . )
18 H&C 's management knows where it does not want to be , and has distanced itself from the previously volatile structure with some skill .
19 The UNO coalition has distanced itself from the contras , as has the US Administration by ending military aid .
20 That matter is high on their agenda , and the hon. Gentleman may recall that the Labour party has distinguished itself over the past 40 years by being wrong about practically every foreign policy and defence issue that has come before it .
21 Suppose a man knows nothing of trusts and trustees , but has heard something of the separate use , leaves property — say £1,000 — to his married daughter ‘ for her separate use ’ .
22 Mellowes has assigned me to the duties of the administrative assistants , then to those of the statistical clerks .
23 I am glad that she has joined us for the debate .
24 Almut Suerbaum , of the university of Munster , has joined us as the new Fellow in German ; as a specialist in Medieval German literature she continues the tradition of her predecessor .
25 But he has forsaken them for the moment , at least in his current Emmerich show , ‘ Some Very Recent Paintings ’ ( opening 14 January ) .
26 It could also be that for some of you 1988 has also seen some trouble , a bereavement perhaps , that has shaken you to the foundations .
27 In America , where they have a fondness for creating lists of the greatest ever people , his Plight of English has placed him among the very top writers on the English language .
28 I think the first evidence we have of that , is when Brocklehurst has placed her on the stool and publicly humiliated her .
29 It is your enthusiasm , dedication and sheer hard work which has placed us at the forefront of our industry .
30 Fate has placed you in a situation of subservience ; but in the sight of God you are the equal of an emperor .
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