Example sentences of "has [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Heard Island , comparatively tiny , has little open ground and a smaller range of habitats ; comparative remoteness has presumably given it fewer opportunities to acquire a flora .
2 Micky Stewart has since kept him involved in international get togethers and is clearly an admirer .
3 But the House of Lords has since made it clear that the scope of judicial review does not depend on any distinction between judicial and administrative functions but on whether the challenged decision affects the applicant 's rights or legitimate expectations and on arguments about the suitability and propriety of judicial review in the circumstances of the case .
4 A nurse has secretly slipped him some strips of paper in his hands .
5 A moratorium on logging was announced by the government in March 1990 , but a series of subsequent exceptions has effectively rendered it meaningless .
6 The government has long made it clear that sterling would enter the Exchange Rate Mechanism during stage one of economic and monetary union which began in July ; it has now done so at the earliest appropriate time .
7 ‘ We 're in the WH Smith Top 40 and it has only taken us four years to get there , ’ says Tom White of makers Upstarts .
8 He has merely set them free , while also freeing some of those whose acts they claimed as justification for their own misdeeds .
9 It is this element of Charlie that has perhaps made him popular with other ( albeit less twisted ) musicians .
10 Anxiety over global environmental change has perhaps made us more aware of the converse idea : that the activities of microbes largely determine the state of the biosphere , and in particular the evolution of the Earth 's atmosphere .
11 Kish has just given you one example I 'll give you one of the others .
12 please contact us at this number , this address , erm or attract the attention of the person who has just given you this flyer .
13 Unfortunately , Bergman has decided not to direct his own script , but has instead put it in the hands of the Danish director Bille August , who made Pelle the Conquerer , which won last year 's Palme d'Or at Cannes and which Bergman is rumoured to like so much that he has already seen it six times .
14 A hugely impressive return of eight goals from just 11 games is a true reflection of his amazing turnaround and it has already made him one of the buys of the season , even at that sizeable price tag .
15 For most schools , there is nothing new about this thinking : TVEI has already made them familiar with the concepts of cross-curricular dimensions ( such as equal opportunities , independent learning ) skills and competences ( such as literacy , oracy , numeracy , computer literacy , and the less obvious visual literacy ) and themes ( such as health education , careers education and guidance , environmental and economic education and — increasingly — citizenship ) .
16 David Boren , the Oklahoma Democrat who holds the swing vote on the committee , has already made it clear that he will not vote for the current package , dubbing it ‘ Stimulus 2 ’ , a reference to Mr Clinton 's ill-fated emergency spending package .
17 Keown is fit again after knee surgery and Taylor has already made it clear that the Everton defenders is one of the key figures in his plans .
18 Clinton 's wife Hillary one of America 's top lawyers has already made it clear she will not be just the mild , meek First Lady .
19 The Commissioner has already made it clear that if it needs to bring its works council proposal on where the consultation and multi-nationals through the new Chapter , it 'll include workers in British plants and calculating which firms have to comply and U K firms operating plants on the continent will have to operate the directive there .
20 Well Monsieur Mitterrand has already made it clear that in some important respects I think particularly of defence , erm that , that 's he not going to rush into any changes .
21 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has already made it plain that , unlike some other Bills , we hope that for this one not only will most of the regulations be in place before Royal Assent , but that draft regulations will be composed parallel to the legislation .
22 Well the reality is of course that Clare has already told us that internment did n't work the last time , it was badly done the last time .
23 ‘ No machine has ever seen me beaten . ’
24 But then , clearly startled as some thought came to him , a sudden exclamation in his own language rent the air , and , ‘ Would I be right in thinking that no man , known to you or a recent stranger , has ever seen you ready for bed ? ’ he asked .
25 Maternal care is used by many more groups : spiders , crabs , prawns , wasps , frogs , birds , mammals — no one has ever counted them all .
26 No one would lightly believe that either of them has ever found it hard to tell the difference between himself and somebody else .
27 But the loss of military independence , industrial capacity , employment and markets that such a policy would involve has always made it unacceptable to Western European governments and electorates , including our own .
28 Mrs Puri has always made it clear that she does not like Abroad .
29 He has always made it tough for me when he has been in contention but I can deal with that because I have confidence in my game . ’
30 Yet the government has always found it safer to regulate companies than to tax consumers , and Mr Bush is especially averse to taxes .
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