Example sentences of "has [adv] [subord] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 In four years Kvaerner has all but turned the business round after investing £30m in a new fabrication shed , welding technology , training and working hard at producing a culture change .
2 This astute choice by Mr Tofa , creating a balanced ticket of Muslim and Christian , has all but secured the NRC 's dominance in the east .
3 Airtime suppliers are to charge what they like , but competition should mean that call rates fall , especially as the recession has all but capped the once fast growth .
4 Instead of learning more about how people function in a world whose intellectual demands are growing , the US has all but outlawed the data , encouraged to do so by what it encounters in the national press .
5 THE ‘ shop till I drop ’ syndrome evident in the 1980s has all but left the scene and , as increasing waves of redundancy hit all ranks — and officers — a more penny-pinching approach is in order .
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