Example sentences of "has [prep] [adj] [noun] been " in BNC.

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1 An American model of ‘ privatism ’ ( see Barnekov , Boyle and Rich , 1989 ) has in recent times been deemed as exportable .
2 The Sandinistas recognise that perestroika will bring changes in their relationship with Moscow , which has in recent years been worth around £625m annually , according to European diplomats .
3 It has been traditionally hunted for food and as a source of medicinal oil , and has in recent years been accidentally captured in fishing nets .
4 Since these forms of compulsion are not directly relevant for present purposes , it is unnecessary to elaborate them ; but I think it pertinent to observe that the concept of duress has in recent years been expanded to embrace economic duress .
5 But there has in recent years been a more influential convergence , both in studies of art and in communications studies , around the concept of ‘ forms ’ .
6 For example , in the old 16+ system , despite a gradual improvement in girls ' achievements ( see , for example , the table below ) , each year more boys than girls were entered for O level mathematics , and of those who entered , a higher proportion of boys than girls obtained grade A. At CSE , the entry ( and pass ) rate of girls has in recent years been higher than that of boys — but boys have obtained the most grade I passes .
7 Intra-market business is large and , as is shown by Table 3.3 , has in recent years been averaging over £2 billion per business day .
8 She has in recent years been able to devote more time to dressmaking and tailoring — arts which she has perfected to professional standards .
9 Secondly , migration from the cities has in net terms been removing the types of people that are least affected by increasing unemployment .
10 ( 3 ) A licensing board shall not refuse an application for the renewal of a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 4 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the manager is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the rules as to the persons entitled to use the canteen have not been observed or that the canteen has in other respects been improperly conducted ; or ( c ) that the manager or the body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement of the kind mentioned in paragraph ( d ) of section 41(1) of this Act .
11 This has in large measure been achieved under the SGSA 1982 ( see Chapter 5 ) .
12 The NSFU " urged its members to assist the government in every possible way and has in numerous cases been the means of healing differences and preventing stoppages " .
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