Example sentences of "has [prep] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is necessary first to consider an argument which has throughout been presented by the Attorney-General as decisive ; namely , that the answer to this question must inevitably be negative because the district judge had no power , or no power that he could properly exercise , to do anything other than proceed with the cases assigned to his court , without any regard at all to the pendency of the B.M.F.L. prosecution , destined for committal to the High Court .
2 Nevertheless , although it is easy to see why the thrust of the arguments has throughout been to concentrate on the charging of the suspect and ( in the light of Ex parte Saunders ) on the association of a renewed caution with any exercise of the Director 's powers where the person under interrogation has already been charged , I believe that the result has been to set the inquiry off in the wrong direction .
3 He was a welder that used to help us make up er special tools and things to break down tyres with and the little four-wheeled trailer with it , B-Seventeen wheels on it that Billy has in was made by him .
4 They limit the amount that has to be grasped in any one utterance .
5 I will go further , and say that crime itself has to be viewed from the same aspect of society as a balance — a balance that can be lost , like the physiological or chemical balance in an organism , in which cases the organism is destroyed , but a balance which is always there , whether being gained , maintained or lost .
6 In the main , Edgbaston pitches help pace and the modest run-scoring record has to be viewed in that light .
7 Agriculture has to be viewed in an integral way with .
8 The causal link between effort , performance and outcome has to be viewed in individual and subjective terms .
9 Finally , as other commentators have observed ( eg. Church , 1988 ) , any evaluation of the impact of the UDCs has to be viewed in the light of co-existing initiatives , boundary definitions and the fact that any assessment is unavoidably interim .
10 Mosley 's political career in the 1920s has to be viewed in the context of the triumph of economic conservatism .
11 Administrative receivership has to be viewed in the context of the whole range of remedies now available in situations where a company is , or is likely to become , unable to pay its debts .
12 ‘ Chance ’ trade is the term used also to describe the business which comes from guests who take meals or drinks in the hotel which are not included in the terms of their reservation and has to be charged to them .
13 Another effect could be when the debtor falls to pay and the amount has to be charged to the profit and loss account as a bad debt .
14 Any piece of computer equipment which has to be fitted to some other equipment , such as a replacement " card " ( printed circuit board containing integrated circuits ) which has to be a certain shape , or have a certain type of connector , in order to fit into a computer will also fall into the first part of the exception .
15 There are effects of specific context ( for example , the piece of discourse currently being processed has to be fitted into and has its processing guided by the preceding and already-processed discourse ) ; and there are effects of general context ( for example , the listener/reader can draw upon his background knowledge of what the world is like to guide his discourse interpretation ) .
16 It has to be fitted in accordance with the bye-laws erm and we give out advice on where it should be fitted .
17 A possible edge has to be compared with all other primitives before its existence as a viewed model edge can be established .
18 The likelihood ratio test statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the restrictions are correct is 8.58 , which has to be compared with a chi-square variate with eight degrees of freedom .
19 The resulting test statistic is 5.49 , which has to be compared with 9.49 , the critical value under the chi-square distribution at the 5 per cent significance level with 4 degrees of freedom .
20 For their UK data ADD carried out such a test and obtained a test statistic of 17.93 which has to be compared with a critical chi-square value of 15.5 at the 5 per cent level and 20.1 at the 1 per cent level , with 8 degrees of freedom .
21 From the absolute standpoint , even a man 's body has to be regarded as a possession , so dedicated use of the body in the service of others is the highest ideal and the most effective means of happiness .
22 The Neroccio recently sold in Rome has to be regarded as a forgery , if only because it bears a spurious signature and date .
23 In the practical working out of UN policy the UN has to be regarded as a vehicle of American foreign policy ; this was not always the case and the Americans criticised aspects of the functioning of the UN in Korea and especially the attitudes of individual members of UN commissions .
24 If you expect a child to write about a personal experience , engagement with that experience has to be regarded as a priority .
25 Since returns are still anticipated from most of the remaining 15 courses , the response rate has to be regarded as a preliminary indication of how well the survey worked using course organisers as distributors and collectors .
26 No we do n't , erm we in principle obviously we are in favour of er there being some form of compensation scheme and that has to be regarded as erm a step forward , er it would be better if er whatever compensation scheme is gon na be introduced was introduced now and the committee recommended and not in nineteen ninety-six or whenever it may be that the legislation is enacted .
27 It must be remembered that the work often has to be moved by hand .
28 This heat has to be turned into mechanical energy , currently always by a steam turbine and the mechanical energy in a rotating shaft is then translated by a generator into electricity .
29 Ash is produced when the coal is burnt and has proved to be something for the salvation for many plants and animals the ash is so fine that it has to be turned into a slurry and put into the to settle out these can be up to eight years during which time it becomes none the less but an artificial mud flat quickly colonized by weeds , pioneers crucial to the complex way of life in our natural world But for bird-watchers it is the bird that attracted to these artificial mud flats that are the most exciting development within the boundaries of these power station nature reserves .
30 ( Our big fish man Andy Parkes tells me he prefers the name Oddballs for the fish he keeps — he feels a tank buster is a fish that ‘ has to be turned round several times a day ’ — which sums up how I feel ) .
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