Example sentences of "has [verb] [pn reflx] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The very latest Cairo tittle-tattle is that President Hosni Mubarak ( who has a reputation for honesty ) has made himself rich by taking a cut from every barrel of oil exported .
2 When Faraway Moses , who was once Count St Sylvain and a Black Rider , is captured and imprisoned , Jasper the Terrible , who has made himself responsible for the boy in his own household , offers to release the man who has become like a father to Dick if he will reveal the names of the other Confederates .
3 To cope with the aftershock , Mr Perez has made himself unpopular by bringing in painful economic reforms .
4 By waiting so long , it has made itself vulnerable to a systemic collapse .
5 Apple has made itself unpopular by suing Digital Research , MicroSoft and Hewlett-Packard to protect the ‘ look and feel ’ of the Apple Macintosh graphical user interface .
6 The second hopeful sign is that the state and its criminal justice system ( broadly conceived to include criminal , administrative , and civil law ) has shown itself receptive to arguments that corporate crime victims deserve protection and that corporate criminals deserve sanctioning , particularly when those arguments have been well orchestrated , empirically supported , and contain implicit electoral threats .
7 Uneasy Landscapes , at the age of 47 , after a successful business career , Eddie Dayan turned to his passion of 25 years and has devoted himself full-time to photography .
8 This easily translates into the notion that law is , or ought to be , on their side ; yet like other popular movements , the peace movement has found itself involved with ‘ the law ’ in a complex variety of ways , both passively and actively .
9 Unfortunately , molecular evidence , which has proved itself useful in other areas of disagreement , has yet to prove itself here .
10 With the illicit amorous adventures of wives in the situation of the eternal triangle ( husband , wife , lover ) being the most common single dramatic type in the fabliaux , the most frequent type as the object of ridicule is the deceived husband , often not merely cuckolded but on occasion beaten or otherwise degraded or abused as well ; and what is more after all this sometimes so utterly deceived that he remains happy in the delusion that his wife has proved herself faithful to him .
11 Roy Wegerle , the £1 million Rangers newcomer who has declared himself available to the United States , was last night offered the chance of an alternative route to the World Cup next summer by Bobby Robson .
12 The 35-year-old St Helens pack star has declared himself available for next month 's World Cup Final against the Aussies .
13 The Court also considered the reverse situation , where the third party claims that it has become entitled to the benefits of a Convention , either because it has declared itself willing to be bound , or because it has shown its willingness by its conduct .
14 By running for deputy , he has left himself open to the accusation that he has no hope of becoming leader .
15 Instead , once again , he has left himself open to more criticism .
16 Nor is this the only area in which the former chairman has left himself open to potential conflicts of interest .
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