Example sentences of "has [verb] it [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The domination of the media by the belligerent Anglo-American perspective has made it impossible for audiences in Britain to realise the enormity of the damage inflicted by the Gulf war on the West 's relationship with the so-called Third World .
2 In areas where the inflation of housing prices has made it impossible for many local people to obtain their own homes , the sight of outsiders purchasing houses when they already have one elsewhere can be an affront to local dignity .
3 The Anglo-American special relationship , on the other hand , is as alive as ever , and has made it possible for us to buy advanced US weapon systems like Polaris and Trident on very favourable terms .
4 The past year 's thaw has made it possible for at least 35 non-governmental organisations to open up offices .
5 Advances in , for instance , the production of 64K RAMs ( memory chips that can hold around 64000 bits of information ) give Japanese manufacturers a versatility and efficiency which has made it possible for them to achieve so much in the past few years .
6 It is this all important human love between parent and child , particularly the mother , that could well be the origin of the power which has made it possible for there to be established within the human mind this thing we call a ‘ conscience ’ .
7 More recently , the coming of photography has made it possible for even the least talented among us to produce our own pictorial records .
8 On the other hand , without the gay community there would not have been the collective response of support which has made it possible for many gay men to live with AIDS or the fear of AIDS .
9 Thus Boris ' failure has made it possible for Peggy to succeed ; his depression is the price of her exhilaration , his misery is the occasion of her rejoicing .
10 Australian studies confirm the effectiveness of campaigns to reduce smoking with major mass media components ; the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation has made it possible for Quit to afford such components .
11 Indeed , the attendance allowance system has made it possible for councillors from a broader social range to serve on local authorities but this is far removed from receiving a salary .
12 The contracting system to which my hon. Friend referred has made it possible for the health authority to provide extra capacity for the specialty at Exeter hospital which will ensure that the waiting list can be worked off much more quickly than would otherwise be possible .
13 My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the fact that the further substantial increase in the NHS 's capital budget in the next financial year has made it possible for the health authority and the Ministry of Defence to come to an agreement on that issue .
14 Low pay has made it difficult for HMIP to recruit and keep adequately qualified staff .
15 The attitude of the church has made it difficult for governments to openly promote birth-control programs , that do anything more than advocate natural methods .
16 He feels the nomadic lifestyle contributed to a shyness which has made it difficult for him to establish close friendships ever since .
17 Competition amongst producers of commercial PC software has made it difficult for shareware authors to significantly undercut them and still charge a worthwhile amount for their products .
18 And the severity of the recession has made it difficult for those companies that have reached the end of the five-year period to find an exit route for their BES investors .
19 This is a small-scale or unofficial credit union where people group together to help each other with major purchases , though we heard that the current rate of inflation has made it difficult for such groups to attract support .
20 This has made it difficult for Britain to compete on the world market , and this in turn has eventually led to a worse slump and level of unemployment than would otherwise have been the case had there been no political intervention in the working of the naturally self-regulating free economy of the market .
21 Their growth is partly a response to the falling numbers of secondary pupils , which has made it difficult for many smaller schools to make up viable sixth form classes in less-popular A level subjects .
22 The Government 's attitude has made it difficult for galleries to acquire the keynote works that they need .
23 Not unnaturally , however , this glowing relationship between Mr Balladur and the president has made it harder for Mr Balladur to stay on loving terms with his former boss , Mr Chirac .
24 The Environmental Protection Act of 1990 has made it obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes and emissions for public registers .
25 It has made it easier for participants in training courses to understand the concept of oppression , to recognize oppressive attitudes and behaviour , and to identify oppressions which may be new to them : heterosexism is often a new concept to heterosexuals .
26 But the Lord has made it easier for you by giving us the lesson taught so simply and sublimely by our parents — the joy of love , that is of understanding and being understood , of giving and receiving , of sacrificing oneself to be recreated , of pouring out the treasures of one 's own heart only to find them multiplied endlessly .
27 The closeness of consumer and producer has made it easier for the Registry to expect and to receive from the Computer Centre a computing service of commercial standards , especially in terms of quality and meeting deadlines .
28 He says the M40 has made it easier for criminals to escape with stolen property .
29 In Egypt , the growing reliance on huge imports of cheap grain from the United States has made it uneconomical for local farmers to grow grain , and large tracts of land that once grew food for local consumption now grow strawberries , luxury vegetables and other cash crops for export ( see Steif , 1989 ) .
30 The Government , in order to attack the notion of the Welfare State , has held it responsible for encouraging dependency , idleness and the break-up of families .
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