Example sentences of "has [verb] to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her father has to sleep in the same room since he has to attend to her during the night when she may need a bed pan up to four times .
2 ‘ I expect Alice has explained to you about that , ’ he mumbled .
3 He can laugh about it now , and has referred to it in many speeches since to very good effect ; but at the time it hurt .
4 I am a recent subscriber , having recently renewed my subscription for a second year and I have enjoyed every issue that has come to me in the post .
5 In less than one year certain people have received an increase more than has come to me in 11 years .
6 An important working library on South-East Asia and much modern French literature has come to us by bequest of M. Jacques Dauphin , father of our former Lady Carlisle Research Fellow , Dr. Claudine Dauphin ; we owe special thanks to Dr. Dauphin and the army of Somervillian and non-Somervillian friends who helped transport this large collection of books across the Channel , and to Ann Raynes who stepped in at short notice to deliver the last consignment from London to Oxford .
7 Staff are not allowed to anticipate paid leave beyond what has accrued to them at the rate shown on the annual leave slip at the time of going on leave .
8 Standard English today differs from local dialects not only in permitting the expression of complex relationships in familiar written forms , but also in the astonishing wealth of vocabulary which has accrued to it through its intellectual and imperial history .
9 My hon. Friend takes a close interest in the prosperity of companies in his constituency and has written to me about that case .
10 With this in mind , Neal Taylor has written to me from South Devon with a request for a simple battery indicator .
11 We move to Croydon in Surrey now , Mrs E has written to us from Croydon , Elizabeth .
12 Erm we are reassuring everyone who has written to us in the that all of the will be taking it fully into consideration when the money application is is considered .
13 It also means that enquiries like , " Who has applied to us as a project engineer over the last year , and been rejected as not sufficiently experienced ? " can be answered with ease .
14 ‘ He has talked to me about what happened , and I think that helps .
15 Yes , one , one thing has occurred to me about this in trying to deal with forms , it seems to me that trying to put a date on a day on it , is absolutely hopeless .
16 I think you can , I , I 've , the same argument has occurred to me in relation to special schools .
17 ‘ But since he has lied to me about marrying me , I will no longer keep his secrets . ’
18 It has seemed to us for a long time that something special about Foxton Locks and Inclined Plane is called for , and this is an attempt to meet that need .
19 Except for permitting me to believe that he was a single gentleman — a fault he can not be excused for — he has behaved to me with generosity and honour .
20 Nobody has spoken to him in the way that you have , not for more than a year …
21 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
22 It is an a matter where Miss has spoken to me about this particular case and it
23 And he did say to me well he has spoken to me about it , he did say answering the telephone .
24 And other players will be added to the list after Keegan has spoken to them over the weekend .
25 Even though he has spoken to you of vengeance ? ’
26 The Army has reacted to them with hostility .
27 Many of them so often quite rightly describe what has happened to them as a deep wound resulting from the blow they have received .
28 There something terrible has happened to them of which they will not speak : ‘ A darkness lies behind us … and we have turned our backs on it ’ ( p. 141 ) .
29 It says that at least some of the characteristics of this hyper-individualist people can not be explained by what has happened to them in the Ottoman time and since , because these characteristics predate the Ottomans .
30 Only once , and perhaps not surprisingly , when he talked about having to explain the implications of what has happened to him to his five-year-old daughter , Camera , did he almost break down .
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