Example sentences of "has [verb] [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is the first time that a lifeboatman has received such an honour since sea rescues began in the town with the historic Zetland lifeboat 190 years ago .
2 The acquirer 's solicitor should reserve the right to incorporate additional warranties when he has received all the information about the target , read the accountants ' report and read the draft disclosure letter .
3 It is accepted that Community case law has developed such a principle under which , on policy grounds compatible with Community law , restrictions on trade may be justified .
4 He has broken all the rules of managership .
5 He has broken all the rules of managership .
6 Two fire appliances , lights flashing , wait to one side , their hoses snaking away into the darkness where an explosion has broken all the street lighting .
7 Having argued this far Lorentz has to go all the way and he was forced to conclude that there will be no American M until Hollywood goes and until ‘ independent companies allow their directors to do away entirely with actors , and ( which is the only sensible way to manufacture movies at all ) pick types and faces off the streets ’ .
8 I , come on I mean , if El Presidente Michael Heseltine , has to go all the way to Venice to have a heart attack .
9 The screen , which is located in a self-service kiosk near the Baltimore Orioles stadium at Camden Yards , has proven such a hit that a further 33 similar kiosks have been planned across Baltimore .
10 When they reach their destination , the driver stops the car beneath a rare working streetlamp and his passenger feels a tremor of recognition , but is reassured by Valentin that he has heard all the jokes before and he wo n't be passing them on to his mother .
11 If I may speak as one who has heard all the centenary lectures and restraining myself from being invidious , I will merely say : George , it was an admirable centenary lecture , and the huge spinning top of words , despite its complexity , kept the patterns clear and sharp and arguable .
12 The intrepid lady traveller Celia Fiennes had a near miss when her horse was nearly sucked into a dyke near Ely in 1698 ; and in the same year she took care to avoid Martin Mere in Lancashire , ‘ that as the proverb sayes has parted many a man and his mare indeed ’ .
13 In many cities the names are still interchangeable , a fact that has given many a visitor a mystified look .
14 He has given half the designers in the business their start ; survived two famous resignations on principle ; been in prison and concentration camp ; outlived one wife and divorced another .
15 A team from the University of California at San Diego has concocted such a medium in which a particular type of cell that causes cancer in mice grows readily .
16 For much the same reason , you should never write a sentence like : ‘ B can argue that … but the argument will fail , ’ or ‘ B has committed such-and-such a crime , but he has a good defence . ’
17 The report does not insist that it is one man who has committed all the offences , but the implication is that is the case .
18 Norwich City0 Sunderland1 THE John Byrne and Malcolm Crosby FA Cup roadshow has rolled all the way to Wembley after Sunderland overcame First Division opposition at Hillsborough yesterday to squeeze through to their first final in 19 years .
19 It has to absorb all the liquid it requires through its skin .
20 It 's just that Peake 's trilogy Titus Groan , Gormenghast and Titus Alone has attracted such a cult following that Glass was apprehensive about doing justice to the novels in the eye of fans .
21 ‘ The Governor of California has deemed this the film to see now .
22 The consortium has underwritten half the purchase price , but has asked the Government to come up with the other half .
23 I am sure that British Rail has considered all the options and it may have asked the consultants to study alternatives .
24 When the council has considered all the factors involved , the case will either be decided by the chief planning officer under delegated powers ( if it is a minor or uncontroversial issue ) or it will be decided by the elected councillors at the planning committee meeting .
25 A small chorus has applauded such a shift in resources , arguing that prohibition of drugs will always fail so long as Americans remain so determined to get hold of them .
26 The Empire foot soldiers have developed a very effective method of fighting which has won many a battle : the detachment system .
27 And the real ale enthusiasts chose The Tap and Barrel in Middlesbrough as their 1990–1 Pub of the Year the eight season that the supporters ' association has presented such an award .
28 Every system of local government finance has possessed such a system .
29 Certainly he gave the impression to some of being almost too respectable : " He has grown such a crust on him … "
30 Obviously , the content of a shot has a bearing on its length ; ideally , it should end just at the moment when the viewer has absorbed all the information in the scene , and is beginning to wonder what happens next ?
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