Example sentences of "been used [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Had such language been used of an Anglican or Roman Catholic Eucharist the user would have quickly been castigated by Victorian Nonconformists as a ‘ wafer worshipper ’ .
2 ’ there not being in force in relation to the use of that vehicle ‘ The proof of insurance falls to the defence once it has been established by the prosecution that the motor vehicle has been used on a road ( Philcox v Carberry [ 1960 ] Crim LR 563 ) .
3 Food would be marked with a " P " to indicate that pesticides had been used on a product .
4 CAI library instruction has been used at a number of American libraries such as the Ohio State University and the University of Denver .
5 TRAINER has been used at a number of institutions ( Caruso 1981 ) .
6 This sentence has frequently been used as a stick with which to beat Eliot , generally to prove that his attitudes towards fascism were ambiguous at best .
7 In what follows , the branch or sector has been used as a category in the first classification of father 's occupations , with skill as a secondary and more arguable subdivision .
8 Vai is a recognised beauty spot and has been used as a film location .
9 He exhibits protecting and guarding qualities and for many years has been used as a Schutzhund sport dog .
10 The Keraing had told us that in the 1950s a military scouting party from Makassar had angered the village by entering the caves with special equipment and making off with a good deal of valuable porcelain — indicating it had also been used as a burial-chamber by early visiting Chinese mariners .
11 This provision has caused a great deal of controversy since different countries have classified certain jobs as public functions , which they may not be in other countries , and this domestic classification has been used as a bar to foreign nationals applying for those jobs .
12 It provoked accusations from the Azerbaijani side that the talks had been used as a cover for an intensification of military action .
13 Birth weight has been used as a measure of fetal growth but it is strongly dependent on gestational age .
14 This incident was some time after the Red Sand Towers had been used as a pirate radio station ( Radio 390 ) .
15 The folding knife could have been used as a razor , if it was sharp enough or as a penknife for shaping reed pens .
16 The Thornton Gate Mineral sidings , which since 1963 have been used as a rail store , showing car 170 towing a train of rail bogies .
17 Spiro at one time had extensive dealings in the Middle East and , according to reports , may have been used as a go-between for the CIA and MI6 during the hostage negotiations in the Lebanon .
18 Spiro at one time had extensive dealings in the Middle East and , according to reports , may have been used as a go-between for the CIA and MI6 during the hostage negotiations in the Lebanon .
19 Certainly the sponges would have been useful ; they could have been used as a filling for cushions and mattresses , and as a protective padding inside boots and helmets .
20 A particular place in the fence has been used as a route to cross the railway .
21 As Stoker argues above , contracting out has largely been used as a threat to achieve other forms of change , often by senior bureaucrats to gain concessions from and changes in work practices by staff at lower levels of the hierarchy .
22 ‘ Since old Josh 's time it 's been used as a holiday retreat by various Proberts down the years , ’ he added , ‘ with some of the land let out for summer grazing to mainland farmers . ’
23 The convent , built between 1868 and 1907 has been used as a school , orphanage and convalescent home , but is in a derelict state and in full view of the main A55 Expressway into Wales .
24 Sweat regulation has been used as a test of autonomic nervous system function in diabetics since 1942 .
25 Through the ages these western seaways have been used as a highway by settlers and saints , pilgrims and pirates and traders and travellers .
26 The trees bearing Cox 's Orange Pippins are vigorous enough to be favourites for orchards in Britain and several other countries with a similar climate , and it has also been used as a parent in breeding a number of other varieties which share some of its desirable characteristics .
27 ( Note that in chord 1 a tritone has been used as a consonance .
28 Finally , a pleasantly-grained veneer of dark ash has been used as a finish on the front and back of the headstock .
29 Corporatism in various forms has a very long history : for example , professional groups such as doctors and lawyers have regulated themselves for centuries ; indeed , voluntary self-regulation is a defining characteristic of a profession and has long been used as a way of avoiding government control .
30 The income — expenditure model has been used as a framework for justifying this role for fiscal policy because government expenditure and taxation directly , and fairly reliably , influence national income levels .
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