Example sentences of "been made [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Links , for example , have been made between a past history of sexual abuse and bulimia .
2 Well , just generally , we have n't restricted recruiting of care staff , in other words , unless we know there 's a decision been made about a residential establishment which there has n't been at present .
3 The former kitchen had been made into a small dining room almost entirely filled with an early Victorian table and set of six chairs which were undeniably the real thing .
4 Now it has been made into a four-part series called The Life And Times Of Henry Pratt by Granada .
5 The USSR , however , mindful of the fact that Cuba had been made into a prominent campaign issue by both contenders for the US presidency , paid no heed to the wave of Cuban nationalisations of US property during August-October 1960 .
6 ‘ A few years ago we thought the Butter Market could have been made into a little museum but it would have been difficult to cross the roads into it . ’
7 The whole of the Main Street and the river frontage has been made into a conservation area .
8 May I put some of the comments that have been made into a broader context .
9 In both countries considerable progress has been made towards a favourable outcome .
10 Has any study been made of a similar problem ?
11 I would have preferred black pipework to white , for its unobtrusiveness but , more to the point , the hopper itself could have been made of a darker and heavier-gauge material .
12 Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc have successfully completed their project to bring the Macintosh system to mainstream computing , but no decision has yet been made on a commercial follow-up : Novell chief financial officer James Tolonen says the companies wanted to see whether Macintosh System could run atop a different operating system and on a different chip , yet still maintain the user-friendly features of the Apple system .
13 Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc have successfully completed their project to bring the Macintosh system to mainstream computing , but no decision has yet been made on a commercial follow-up , Novell chief financial officer James Tolonen told the Hambrecht & Quist conference .
14 The Zuccarelli recordings so far demonstrated could well have been made with a simple dummy head , incorporating reflectors or circuits to emphasise this effect .
15 This is the NRA 's first survey and comparisons have been made with a similar exercise five years ago by the Department of the Environment , Welsh Office and the regional water authorities [ which took into account data recorded in 1980 ] .
16 The first attack , which happened at Mithian Downs , was discovered on Saturday evening , when the horse suffered a wound which appeared to have been made with a sharp instrument .
17 The prints , which the Fingerprint Branch of Scotland Yard found to have been made with a left thumb pressed into the painting while still wet , have been minutely replicated in the damaged areas .
18 The result of our cursory glance at the attempts that have been made at a new perspective on law and the legal system is thus both clear and complicated : the legal system can no longer be understood to be monolithic , but is differentiated , and this differentiation is structured by its relationship to other social sub-systems ; law , moreover , has a different ideological role in different national legal cultures .
19 The teaching of study skills should of course obviate the problems that arise in assignments and projects , but generally this provision has been made at a later stage of the pupils ' school career , at the sixth-form level , when a recognized amount of their time is allocated to private study .
20 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
21 It was the first time that the award had been made to a Communist head of state .
22 The Kitemark on a product will indicate that it has not only been made to a published specification , but that it has been independently tested by BSI as well .
23 The nexus appears to have been made for a sufficient number of the laity , as those who eventually voted in the referendum voted in favour of inscribing an appropriate anti-abortion clause in the constitution .
24 The good news is that plans have been made for a third building .
25 He enjoyed telling it because his first attempt , to Franco , had been made in a desperate sort of pidgin-Italian .
26 A preliminary attempt to develop a science of ‘ geocybernetics ’ has been made in a little-known paper by Polonskiy ( 1963 ) …
27 It reflected the growing problem of how to deal with surplus manpower once peace had been made in a major theatre of war .
28 The answer is probably that workers come a lot cheaper in China , but the money they have saved that way could surely have been doubled in extra sales — not to mention saving on shipping costs — if they had been made in a British factory .
29 The body and the upper stand seem to have been made in a single casting .
30 Is it not a fact that the very serious death threat that has been made against a British citizen — a death threat made by someone who is , in effect , the leader of a foreign country with which we have diplomatic relations is of such importance that we should have a statement at the earliest opportunity ?
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