Example sentences of "been so [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , time moves on and Maxwell rose from the ashes of this setback , but it is remarkable that the telling verdict of the DTI inquiry should have been so utterly dismissed by the risk-assessors of so many banks .
2 Never had anything been so well trumpeted to me ; surely there had been an element of hyperbole from so many colleagues and friends who had been going to the jamboree for years ?
3 The rest had been so well prepared for work by their previous sixteen years of socialisation that they found few problems .
4 In this respect , pregnant girls at Arbour are also very knowledgeable and confident about giving birth because they have been so well prepared for it , and tend to sail through labour and birth without a lot of problems .
5 She no longer provided him with a defence against his own yearning for safety which had been so well hidden behind his off-hand behaviour .
6 She had always told him how proud she was of him , that he should work so hard to support his son in a far-off country and how one day she would tell Oreste it was due to his father 's efforts that he had been so well looked after .
7 A more efficient harness than the crude yoke , which had been so well suited for draught-oxen , was introduced about the ninth century .
8 Even had you not been so well acquainted with the family , I dare say .
9 When this cloud settles on the skin it causes a red rash , but it is no more than an irritation and certainly nothing to justify the terrible image of this animal that has been so relentlessly fostered by cheap novels and films .
10 However , his conception of the ‘ underclass ’ , its causation and policy remedies , differs markedly from those of the far Right whose views have been so easily absorbed into British government and establishment thinking .
11 Indeed , the speaker would go further ; never in his experience had Britain been so ably represented in the councils of the Common Market .
12 The very success of material culture studies in having been so firmly integrated into the older paradigm meant that such studies become invalidated by their own historical associations , and were no longer able to play a significant role in the new anthropology .
13 Doug Wilson , no doubt , thought Melissa , and young Godfrey Mellish who had been so firmly put in his place by Barney .
14 Never before had events within Scotland been so firmly set on the international stage .
15 She 'd only been angry because she 'd been so unaccountably shaken by those few seconds in his arms .
16 If the British people had voted on Thursday for a Labour government , they would have run counter to the swing away from socialist prescriptions across the whole of the rest of Europe ; more , they would have signalled the rejection of everything that has been so painfully achieved since 1979 in making Britain a competitive modern society founded upon the doctrine of personal responsibility and enterprise .
17 He has been so forcibly returned to his true ethos that when Boult returns , speaking prose , Lysimachus rebukes him in indignant verse ( 118ff . ) .
18 It is also important because , as the coordinator of the exhibition , the Soprintendente Giovanna Nepi Sciré said , ‘ This is the first occasion when one of Palazzo Grassi 's [ owned and administered by Fiat ] exhibitions has been so closely linked to Venetian public institutions .
19 This is the first occasion when one of Palazzo Grassi 's exhibitions has been so closely linked with a Venetian public institution .
20 Beautifully played by Gidon Kremer , it would have been all the more welcome if , being the sort of work which does n't invite applause , it had n't been so closely associated with Offertorium as to seem to merge into it .
21 Beautifully played by Gidon Kremer , it would have been all the more welcome if , being the sort of work which does n't invite applause , it had n't been so closely associated with Offertorium as to seem to merge into it .
22 It was no accident that Nietzsche 's move to Leipzig , implying the decision to specialize in classics , was followed by an overnight conversion to Schopenhauer ; and no accident , again , that his final acceptance of a classical career should have been so closely associated in time with his commitment , after so many years of desultory acquaintance , to Wagner .
23 SECTARIANISM has always been one of the prime causes of conflict in Northern Ireland , because religion has been so closely identified with politics .
24 The death-bed thus prefigured the decisive struggle for possession of the soul , which would take place on Judgement Day and which had been so vividly depicted in mediaeval murals and missals .
25 Havelock Wilson who had , of course , been among those leaders to whom Larkin 's vituperation had been particularly directed , reserved his regrets for the oppressed people of Ireland whose cause had been so ill served by the " blunders and follies " of Larkin who " had such a splendid case , but made such a sorry mess of it , doing everything he ought not to have done and nothing that he ought to " and bringing , by his defeat , comfort to the Irish employers who had nothing good to be said for them at all .
26 School and advisory staff need to look very closely at the balance of benefits and costs , for both children and teachers , in the teaching strategies and patterns of classroom organization which have been so strongly promoted in recent years .
27 She felt a flash of the excitement she had felt initially when this three weeks in Sardinia had been so unexpectedly sprung on her .
28 But seriously , why do you suppose there has been so little said about Sunday trading in the book trade ? could it be because we have failed to make a ‘ cold , calculating examination of the long term balance of financial advantage ’ ?
29 ‘ I had n't quite seen it like that , ’ McLeish acknowledged humbly , remembering that the beautiful woman in front of him , whom you could not suppose ever to have encountered rejection in any form , had lost a father when young , and had been so little attached to her stepfather that she had left home at the earliest opportunity .
30 " What makes the history of England so eminently valuable , " wrote T. H. Buckle , " is that nowhere else has the national progress been so little interfered with , either for good or evil . "
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