Example sentences of "been in [noun] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is probable that a maypole tradition had already been in existence for many years , if not centuries .
2 The Beacon had been in existence for many years and in the past had catered for up to thirty children with a wide range of disabilities and needs .
3 The Village Trust is a respected body which has been in existence for many years .
4 Group savings schemes and such like which have been in existence for many years .
5 Lyn de Alwis , Director of the Sri Lanka National Parks , had a secret weapon , although it is debatable whether you can call a facility that has been in existence for several thousand years ‘ secret ’ .
6 Although it has been in existence for some considerable time , train operation for passengers has been provided by battery-electric power .
7 At a meeting on 1 September , the " Women Compositors " , Readers " and Monotype Operators " Union " was described as having been in existence for some nine weeks .
8 English Estates had been in existence for some years , but its traditional role had been factory building and commercial development on green field sites with 5,000 factories and offices on 508 estates .
9 The EGBT have been in existence for some years and have proved themselves a respectable and reliable organisation with several completed projects to their credit .
10 According to Mr Carson , the professor had taken his degree at Oxford , but he had been in America for several years now .
11 Describing the plight of Somali children , it explains : ’ Many of them have not been in school for several years when they arrive in this country ’ .
12 Darren had been dead a couple of months ; I had fallen out with my father and I 'd been in London for most of the summer , staying with Aunt Ilsa and her long-term companion , whose only name appeared to be Mr Gibbon , which I thought made him sound like a cat for some reason …
13 And she had been in London for less than a month .
14 When they finally moved out their successors found the floor covered with six layers of linoleum — the bottom ones must have been in position for many a long year !
15 The stop has been in position for many years and is provided for within the parking arrangements and controls within the area .
16 Llewelyn had been in council for several hours , and was no less weary ; nevertheless , he saw the labour and pain with which Owen bent his knee to him , and reached to take him up before he could complete his reverence .
17 The paper published by the Commission is to be submitted to EC transport ministers ; it had been in preparation for some time , but work was speeded up following the recent tanker accidents in the Shetlands and at La Coruna in northern Spain [ see ED 67 ] .
18 If we consider the environment in the broadest sense , much monitoring of it has been in progress for many years and by an enormous diversity of organizations in the UK ; these include the DoE , the Forestry Commission , the Nature Conservancy , the Health and Safety Executive , local authorities , the component members of the Natural Environment Research Council ( such as the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology and the British Antarctic Survey ) , individuals or research groups in academia , the CEGB , the Friends of the Earth , and UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development ( CEED ) ( 1989 ) .
19 At present , horizontal presses of between 2,000 and 8,000 kilograms are allowed , but trials with larger machines have been in progress for several years .
20 Reclamation of the foreshore to seaward of the Imperial Dock was extended to the Eastern Breakwater to complete a scheme which had been in progress for several years and which would provide additional space for industry .
21 Till then I had felt I was beginning to get his measure ; first of all , his English , though excellent , was somehow not contemporary , more that of someone who had n't been in England for many years ; and then his whole appearance was foreign .
22 The visiting players have been in England for some days , and all four are becoming understandable twitchy as the time to make the first moves approaches .
23 Although the conference was just up the road in Edinburgh this time , it might as well have been in Timbuktu for all the relevance it held for must of us .
24 Harthacnut , no older than seventeen , had been in Denmark for some years by 1035 .
25 I knew him because he had been in Fontanellato for some months , and after wishing him buon giorno and so forth I tried to find out what his duties were and what was likely to happen to the prisoner .
26 The WISE Vehicle Programme has been in operation for many years now , following the launch of the original WISE I bus in WISE Year 1984 .
27 Mr Bell said the system of having one ambulance on call at each of the county 's 11 stations after 7pm every night had been in operation for many years .
28 However , where a discriminatory practice has been in operation for some time it may be easier for the Commission for Racial Equality to produce evidence in support of an allegation .
29 Another factor was raised in a case in which the government did not properly consult local authorities ( as required by statute ) before making some regulations : by the time the application to revoke the regulations was heard , they had been in operation for some time and to revoke them would have caused considerable administrative inconvenience which could not be justified given that no real complaint was made about the substance of the regulations .
30 ‘ Although the calcinating plant has been in operation for some years now , it is the most modern of its type in the industry , ’ commented senior mill manager Graham Jones , ‘ and while it may not be attractive to the eye , it does produce beautiful materials . ’
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