Example sentences of "been provide [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Storage cages have been provided at the majority of Wedgwood Group sites .
2 Since March 1985 a full written decision has only been provided at the request of either party .
3 An extensive discussion has also been provided of the extent to which implementation requires interagency co-operation .
4 This has now been provided with the auto trace tool .
5 The service has been provided with the support of Gwynedd County Council and funding from the Welsh Office .
6 The service has been provided with the support of Gwynedd County Council and Welsh Office funding .
7 Yet the DSS was paying for the place and she could have shopped around if she had been provided with the help to do this .
8 Had the court been provided with the information that was necessary , he said , PW would not have been appointed receiver-manager because of ‘ the untenable conflict position ’ in which it had placed itself .
9 The final ordinary dividend has been provided on the basis that all 8% preference shares will be converted .
10 In order to avoid the boxes being opened in transit the label should state that sufficient food and water has been provided for the journey .
11 The conclusion of counsel , with which I agree , was that in this jurisdiction no mechanism has been provided for the assessment of costs and the matter seems to be left to the justices themselves .
12 Many fonts supplied have the same names as famous typographic faces but unless the typographer 's width tables have been provided for the target device all sorts of trouble can occur .
13 Financial and logistical support ( vehicles , petrol and food ) had been provided for the coup by Haiti 's rich minority , who saw Aristide as bent on fomenting class war .
14 There was no consensus as to the credibility of the commonly mentioned estimate of 100,000 Iraqi war dead , no official figures having been provided despite the obligation under the Geneva Convention for the military authorities to attempt to account for enemy dead .
15 In most cases damages will be for the difference between the value of the service provided and the value of the service which should have been provided under the contract .
16 We do have information on the extent to which net conversions have been provided over the past well during the eighty one ninety
17 There is absolutely no need for young people to commit crimes when they have available to them perfectly good training courses that have been provided by the Government and with Government money .
18 That has been provided by the Government — by the taxpayer — and is a measure of the Government 's commitment to the industry .
19 That would account for its appeal to males of all ages , and equally explain the absence of females , whose finite universe has traditionally been provided by the home , housework , and the shopping .
20 The fact that it may have been provided by the member , not the society , and produced by an independent surveyor , not an employee of the society , merely shows , as conceded , that it is not in those cases action taken by the society .
21 The bounty had been provided by the respondent and therefore he was the settlor ( p596 ) .
22 Since 1984 , core funding has been provided by the Monument Trust , a Sainsbury foundation , and other funds have been obtained from various government departments and quangos , for their specific areas of concern , and from industry .
23 The King was , however , also King of his Dominions and it had been provided by the Statute of Westminster 1931 , s.4 , that Parliament should not legislate for the Dominions ( defined as Australia , Canada , the Irish Free State , Newfoundland , New Zealand and the Union of South Africa ) except at the request of and with the consent of the Dominion concerned .
24 Funding for the buy-out has been provided by the Bank of Scotland , RBOS Venture Capitalists , 3i , NatWest Ventures and an internal nine-strong team .
25 Funding for the buyout has been provided by the Bank of Scotland , RBOS Venture Capitalists , 3i , Nat West Ventures and an internal nine-strong team .
26 Funding for both of these has been provided by the borough council , drawing on the government 's ‘ Regional Challenge Initiative ’ under which Walsall is one of twelve boroughs in the country to receive funding for urban renewal .
27 ( vii ) reasonably sufficient information in respect of any of the matters referred to in Rule 16(2) except such information as has been provided by the body in a previous application under this Rule ;
28 A useful working definition has been provided by the Department of Trade and Industry in Britain .
29 The following information has been provided by the Department of Transport .
30 With regard to his latter point , I know that he has sought , and has rightly been provided by the Department , a copy of the circular that we have sent to local authorities precisely to enlist their assistance to ensure that pensioners who will gain from the proposals receive those gains .
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