Example sentences of "been there [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They told us they had been there since the outbreak of the war — approximately 34 hours previously .
2 The sun was setting , making the dogs pink , like the pink wine that had been there on the table .
3 ‘ How about something really radical on the dangers of sunbathing without blocker ? ’ said Helena , who had just found a mole on her arm which had definitely not been there at the beginning of the summer .
4 The way in which some of the subsidies work is ludicrous , but had we been there at the beginning , we might have been able to reform it so that it could work to our advantage .
5 How long have you been there at the nursing home ?
6 They 'd been there at the wedding , when the wine , that water had been turned into wine .
7 Looking down I saw they were in a puddle of water that had n't been there at the start and seemed to be oozing out of the ground .
8 She 'd been there at the time he 'd wanted a woman .
9 If Deaconess Tilley had n't been there at the time , she might have found an excuse to say no .
10 Perhaps , she thought it was because Mark had been there at the planning stage — Mark Bristow , the dynamic young advertising executive she had met and fallen in love with when she had been chasing jobs in the heart of Somerset ; Mark who , in spite of being English , had lived long enough in the States to absorb — and give off — some of the typically American blend of enthusiasm and energy .
11 Probably had I been there at the point of commissioning I would not have chosen that story .
12 For when he had been there at the end of the war it was very much the preserve of the officer class .
13 Addressed ‘ Charles Paris ’ , he was sure it had n't been there at the interval .
14 He was sure it had been there every night since , and Mrs Masters turned out to be equally confident that it had also been there during the day .
15 There were none of the crowds that had been there during the day and we could really pray .
16 On Jan. 28 Goulding said that " one of the conditions which has always been there for the deployment of the UN force in Yugoslavia , namely a stable ceasefire , has now been fulfilled " , although there were still violations of the ceasefire , albeit " comparatively minor " ones .
17 The late arrival by 13 minutes of three of their key players left Peterlee with too much work to do at Consett where they went down in a first division game by 91 points to 58 as they were left wondering what effect Ivor James , Gord Laing and Allen Quarmby might have had had they been there for the start .
18 The invisible writing , the lineaments of me , which had been there beneath the surface all the time , became manifest .
19 And the gap which had to some extent been there from the beginning in popular consciousness between ‘ Hitler 's war ’ for racial empire and territorial aggrandisement , and the patriotic defence of the ‘ Fatherland ’ was widening .
20 He 'd been there from the beginning , that 's we know
21 I had n't been there from the age of seven without learning what went down in Roundhay .
22 Wallington flourished under a headmaster who had been there before the War , who grew roses under the class-room windows , and trees around the playing-field .
23 Only two of the masters had been there before the war .
24 And , personally , I mean , I know , having been there in the evening in that hall , it 's , it 's not very easy to hire it out , but it 's freezing still .
25 He had been there in the palace at Tongjiang with her , and still he had not visited her bed .
26 but erm yes the garden 's alright but then they 've been there in the garden all the winter as well
27 Going back along the ditch and down beside the house , she tried to convince herself that no one would have heard her love-shriek , but she was already frightened that they had , and when she tiptoed into the scullery and crossed to her straw pallet in the corner , her fear increased tenfold , for she was immediately certain that the blanket had been moved and that someone had been there in the scullery only minutes before .
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