Example sentences of "been make by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At his barracks in London 's Knightsbridge yesterday , the major refused to comment on the new allegations which are understood to have been made by a junior officer or private .
2 It had been made by a famous couturier .
3 Her tutored eye saw that it had been made by a skilled seamstress , the tight , low-cut bodice erupting in a flurry of lace at the breast , the equally tight sleeves stiff with fake pearls and silver thread which formed the same flower design that was on the over-skirt .
4 A point has been made by a sudden ( if barely perceptible ) breaking of pattern , an absence of echoes .
5 In the case of a company limited by shares , normally the only liability imposed on a shareholder as such will be to pay up the nominal value of the shares and any premium in so far as payment has not already been made by a previous holder .
6 Her dress had been made by a local dressmaker who had made it with a deep frill of black satin round the neck .
7 Token bets had been made by a few on the opposing Southern team , so Rex was able to ‘ collect ’ from long time colleagues as well as being presented with a cheque b Mr Ellis .
8 Of the second wave of Irish films gearing up for release , only one has not been made by a British director .
9 Well , that very technological breakthrough has just been made by a British company .
10 This and other recommendations have been made by a four-member panel of distinguished heart experts , forced a year ago by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to investigate the episode .
11 This brass is thought to have been made by a Flemish craftsman , and depicts a woman sitting up in a four poster bed with her children around her , and twins in a cradle alongside and at the foot of the inscription Lambarde had inscribed " No lady was more full of reverence towards God than she " .
12 In this section we examine the contribution to the crisis that has been made by the sentencing decisions of the courts .
13 She argued that the history of " scum " should have alerted the IBA to its controversial nature , and that any decision to screen it should have been made by the appointed members of the Authority , and not by their executive staff .
14 An attempt has been made by the present writer to convey something of the lawless nature and the rough , tough frontierland conditions of post-Speranskii Siberia in his later chapter comparing Siberia to the American ‘ Wild West ’ and analysing the relationship between exile , vagrancy and crime in the region .
15 You ca n't start making approaches to landowners and other people who live round about until the decision has been made by the working party whether to go out for consultation or not .
16 At Mr Barnes ' request further inquiries into the case have also been made by the Irish Garda .
17 The call for a new , rigorous study of the costs has been made by the influential Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy ( CIPFA ) , which represents the directors of finance and senior finance staff of the majority of local authorities .
18 And even if the case for agriculture is extended to include welfare considerations concerned with the preservation of rural life ( and such claims have regularly been made by the agricultural interest ) then the creation of mini-prairies and suburbanised villages would testify to its failure .
19 Will the Secretary of State lay aside diplomatic niceties for a moment and say that that hope has receded since July as a direct result of the intransigence of Mr. Denktash , who has made no move despite the fact that concessions have been made by the other side ?
20 An invention that might have been made by the chemical industry 50 years previously , was ultimately forced on it from outside .
21 A last-minute payment of US$35,000,000 had been made by the Israeli government to the outgoing regime for its assistance in the operation , according to press reports from Washington and Israel .
22 A further four have been made by the European Community and through the United Nations .
23 They could have been made by the same craftsman .
24 The sun was fully eclipsed by Arcadia now , and although the main source of illumination was now only the light refracted through the halo of the planet 's atmosphere , it was easier to see in the dim but diffuse light than in the glare and dark shadows that had been made by the unshielded sun .
25 This topic has lingered as a question over many WACC activities , and a significant contribution has been made by the WACC-initiated study on the mass media and village life in India .
26 Although some progress has since been made by the meticulous work of the late Sir Ian Richmond and Roger Goodburn , it has been on too small a scale to support any attempt at a chronology of the history of the site .
27 On each occasion I felt that insufficient effort had been made by the surgical teams to decide on the capacity to give informed consent , and I was dismayed at the immediate assumption of incapacity because the patient had been sectioned .
28 But in fact , the greatest contribution to latter-day fashion has been made by the American manual labourer .
29 The Rueff plan , which was presented to de Gaulle in mid-November , had three main planks : a substantial devaluation of the franc ( accompanied by the creation of a new franc equivalent to 100 old francs ) ; action to control the budget deficit , both through increased taxes and cuts in governmental expenditure ; and a decision to remove many restrictions on foreign trade and to reduce tariffs on trade with the other five Common Market countries ( in line with a commitment that had been made by the Fourth Republic the year before ) .
30 Protests have been made by the local gardening club , Jubilee Citizens Club , a playgroup and WI over the new increased charges that would be forced upon them if the proposal was approved .
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