Example sentences of "been make for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The chairman of the action group has already met with Malcolm Rifkind , Secretary of State for Scotland , pamphlets have been issued to all houses in Juniper Green and Baberton Mains , another public meeting will be called and a plea has been made for wholehearted support by writing letters of objection .
2 An allowance has been made for extra labour .
3 Commodore G. Paul , plans of the drainage under the green had been made for future reference .
4 Special provision has been made for handicapped access , and in addition the museum now boasts an auditorium , and greater accessibility to the reserve collections .
5 Experimental tests of the Hashin-Shtrikman and Hill-Walpole bounds , which lie , of course , within the Voigt and Reuss bounds do not appear to have been made for single polymer systems but , as discussed later in this chapter , they have been applied to a styrene-butadiene-styrene system and to a composite of glass beads and epoxy resin ( Arridge & Crowson 1979 ) .
6 The same case has been made for social work .
7 But this only confirmed the importance of AFHQ 's view , reflecting that of Churchill , that nothing should be done to provoke the Yugoslavs or exacerbate the tense situation until all military preparations had been made for full-scale action if necessary .
8 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
9 Finally , suggestions have been made for improving ward learning by the introduction of a planned programme .
10 Imaginative provision has been made for wheelchair-bound bird watchers at the Rutland Water Nature Reserve .
11 The big fish had been making for deep water all afternoon and Trent had n't seen a bird for the past hour .
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