Example sentences of "been a [noun] of some " in BNC.

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1 Cheap solar energy conversion has been a dream of some scientists since the first oil crisis back in the late 1970s .
2 Clearly these are still working groups , usually of type ( ii ) , with a manifesto , a periodical and exhibitions , but there has also been a change of some kind in their social relations , and this can best be understood by the second kind of analysis , of the proposed and actual relations with all those beyond the group .
3 Although there has been a settlement of some sort at North Shields since the Middle Ages , the modern town is a product of the addition of industrial capitalism to mercantile capitalism .
4 There had in fact only been one occasion during those last years that Lewis could remember and he was sure Adam had only gone because there had been a promise of some shooting .
5 The main worry is that modular schemes might undo the progress towards an integrated approach to first degree studies which has been a feature of some professional subjects in recent years , notably in post-Finniston engineering courses .
6 So the man worth just under £2 might well have been a person of some consequence in the community .
7 The latter point has been a cause of some concern because , in the 1980s , black kids continue to involve themselves in sport with a fervour which alarms many , fearful that blacks ' achievements can only reinforce traditional stereotyped images about blacks being adept at physical pursuits , but inept at intellectual ones .
8 This has been a source of some less than harmonious comments from my beloved .
9 Chimaeras have always been a source of some horror .
10 But revenge was not the whole motive : without it , the joke might have been cheaper , less elaborate , of a different kind — but there would probably have been a joke of some kind .
11 The whole question of the ideal size for a public library authority has been a matter of some controversy in Britain since the publication of the McColvin report in 1943 .
12 The nature of that development , however , has been a matter of some dispute .
13 The extent to which such an understanding is justified has been a matter of some debate , not only at the local level , but in terms of national politics , and even politics within the EC .
14 Whether to reclaim or reject this term has been a matter of some debate in Black communities . )
15 Hugh Morris 's future has inevitably been a matter of some debate .
16 Before this speech he had carried Neville Chamberlain with him in such rejection , but a week later , when there had already been a period of some pressure against the pound in the foreign exchange markets , Chamberlain thought that events would ‘ beat down Baldwin 's native instinct against coalition ’ . ’
17 It had been a topic of some concern , in the days when I worked fairly regularly at the Mimosa , that Stubbly always preferred to walk through Chinatown to the Piccadilly Circus Barclays , as even on a Thursday morning he could have got mugged .
18 Could there have been an epidemic of some kind in the village around this time ?
19 He , from the papers I found there , I deduced to have been an academic of some kind .
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